Package net.iharder.dnd

  • Interface Summary
    Interface Description
    Implement this inner interface to listen for when files are dropped.
    When using the FileDrop package in its JavaBean form, this listener will receive events when files are dropped onto registered targets.
    Instead of passing your data directly to the TransferableObject constructor, you may want to know exactly when your data was received in case you need to remove it from its source (or do anyting else to it).
  • Class Summary
    Class Description
    An extension of JList that supports drag and drop to rearrange its contents and to move objects in and out of the list.
    This class makes it easy to drag and drop files from the operating system to a Java program.
    If you wish to use the FileDrop package as a JavaBean, this class will act as an interface to the FileDrop class that handles all the dirty work.
    This is the event that is passed to the filesDropped(...) method in your FileDropListener when files are dropped onto a registered drop target.
    At last an easy way to encapsulate your custom objects for dragging and dropping in your Java programs! When you need to create a Transferable object, use this class to wrap your object.