
public class SBMLHelper
extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SBMLHelper

      public SBMLHelper()
  • Method Details

    • createFunctionDefinition

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.FunctionDefinition createFunctionDefinition​(Graph g, String id)
    • createFunctionDefinition

      public static void createFunctionDefinition​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.FunctionDefinition fd)
    • addFunctionDefinitionName

      public static void addFunctionDefinitionName​(Graph g, String id, String name)
    • addFunctionDefinitionFunction

      public static void addFunctionDefinitionFunction​(Graph g, String id, String function)
    • deleteFunctionDefinitionID

      public static void deleteFunctionDefinitionID​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteFunctionDefinitionName

      public static void deleteFunctionDefinitionName​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteFunctionDefinitionFunction

      public static void deleteFunctionDefinitionFunction​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteFunctionDefinition

      public static void deleteFunctionDefinition​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetFunctionDefinitionName

      public static boolean isSetFunctionDefinitionName​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetFunctionDefinitionID

      public static boolean isSetFunctionDefinitionID​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetFunctionDefinitionFunction

      public static boolean isSetFunctionDefinitionFunction​(Graph g, String id)
    • countFunctionDefinitions

      public static int countFunctionDefinitions​(Graph g)
      Returns the number of function definitions in the graph
      g - where the information is read from
      number of function definitios
    • getAllFunctionDefinitions

      public static List<org.sbml.jsbml.FunctionDefinition> getAllFunctionDefinitions​(Graph g)
      Returns a list of filled JSBML FunctionDefinition objects
      g - contains the information
      a filled list of function definitions
    • createUnitDefinition

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.UnitDefinition createUnitDefinition​(Graph g, String id)
    • createUnitDefinition

      public static void createUnitDefinition​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.UnitDefinition ud)
    • addUnitToUnitDefinition

      public static void addUnitToUnitDefinition​(Graph g, String id, org.sbml.jsbml.Unit unit)
    • addUnitToUnitDefinition

      public static void addUnitToUnitDefinition​(Graph g, String id, org.sbml.jsbml.Unit.Kind kind, double exponent, double multiplier, int scale)
    • addUnitDefinitionName

      public static void addUnitDefinitionName​(Graph g, String id, String name)
    • addUnitDefinitionID

      public static void addUnitDefinitionID​(Graph g, String oldID, String newID)
    • deleteUnitDefinitionID

      public static void deleteUnitDefinitionID​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteUnitDefinitionName

      public static void deleteUnitDefinitionName​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetUnitDefinitionName

      public static boolean isSetUnitDefinitionName​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetUnitDefinitionID

      public static boolean isSetUnitDefinitionID​(Graph g, String id)
    • getAllUnitDefinitions

      public static List<org.sbml.jsbml.UnitDefinition> getAllUnitDefinitions​(Graph g)
      Returns a filled list of UnitDefinition objects
      g - the graph where the information can be found
      a filled UnitDefinition list
    • createCompartment

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.Compartment createCompartment​(Graph g, String id)
      Creates an compartment in the graph tab with an specific id
      the Compartment object will be returned
    • createCompartment

      public static void createCompartment​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.Compartment compartment)
      compartment -
    • isSetCompartmentName

      public static boolean isSetCompartmentName​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetCompartmentID

      public static boolean isSetCompartmentID​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetCompartmentSpatialDimensions

      public static boolean isSetCompartmentSpatialDimensions​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetCompartmentSize

      public static boolean isSetCompartmentSize​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetCompartmentUnits

      public static boolean isSetCompartmentUnits​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetCompartmentConstants

      public static boolean isSetCompartmentConstants​(Graph g, String id)
    • addCompartmentName

      public static void addCompartmentName​(Graph g, String id, String name)
    • addCompartmentSpatialDimensions

      public static void addCompartmentSpatialDimensions​(Graph g, String id, Double value)
    • addCompartmentSize

      public static void addCompartmentSize​(Graph g, String id, Double value)
    • addCompartmentUnits

      public static void addCompartmentUnits​(Graph g, String id, String units)
    • addCompartmentConstant

      public static void addCompartmentConstant​(Graph g, String id, boolean constant)
    • deleteCompartmentID

      public static void deleteCompartmentID​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteCompartmentName

      public static void deleteCompartmentName​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteCompartmentSpatialDimensions

      public static void deleteCompartmentSpatialDimensions​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteCompartmentSize

      public static void deleteCompartmentSize​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteCompartmentUnits

      public static void deleteCompartmentUnits​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteCompartmentConstant

      public static void deleteCompartmentConstant​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteCompartment

      public static void deleteCompartment​(Graph g, String id)
    • getAllCompartments

      public static List<org.sbml.jsbml.Compartment> getAllCompartments​(Graph g)
      Returns a list of compartments with distinct headlines
      g - contains the information
      a filled list of compartments
    • isSpeciesID

      public static Boolean isSpeciesID​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if the id of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if the id is set else false
    • isSpeciesName

      public static Boolean isSpeciesName​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if the name of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if the name is set else false
    • isSpeciesCompartment

      public static Boolean isSpeciesCompartment​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if the compartment id of a species is set
      node - the node where the information is read from
      true if the compartment id is set else false
    • isSpeciesInitialAmount

      public static Boolean isSpeciesInitialAmount​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if the initial amount of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if the initial amount is set else false
    • isSpeciesInitialConcentration

      public static Boolean isSpeciesInitialConcentration​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if the initial concentration of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if the initial concentration is set else false
    • isSpeciesSubstanceUnits

      public static Boolean isSpeciesSubstanceUnits​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if substance units of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if substance units is set else false
    • isSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits

      public static Boolean isSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if hasOnlySubstanceUnits of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if hasOnlySubstanceUnits is set else false
    • isSpeciesBoundaryCondition

      public static Boolean isSpeciesBoundaryCondition​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if boundary condition of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if boundary condition is set else false
    • isSpeciesConstant

      public static Boolean isSpeciesConstant​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if constant of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if constant is set else false
    • isSpeciesConversionFactor

      public static Boolean isSpeciesConversionFactor​(Node speciesNode)
      Indicates if conversion factor of a species is set
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if conversion factor is set else false
    • getSpeciesID

      public static String getSpeciesID​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the id of the species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      the species id if it is set else the empty string
    • getSpeciesName

      public static String getSpeciesName​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the name of the species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      the species name if it is set else the empty string
    • getSpeciesCompartment

      public static String getSpeciesCompartment​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the compartment id of a species
      Node - the node where the information is read from
      the compartment id if it is set else the empty string
    • getSpeciesInitialAmount

      public static Double getSpeciesInitialAmount​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the initial amount of a species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      initial amount if it is set else null
    • getSpeciesInitialConcentration

      public static Double getSpeciesInitialConcentration​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the initial concentration of a species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      initial concentration if it is set else null
    • getSpeciesSubstanceUnits

      public static String getSpeciesSubstanceUnits​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the substance units of a species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      substance Units if it is set else the empty string
    • getSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits

      public static Boolean getSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the boolean value hasOnlySubstanceUnits of the species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      a boolean value if the attribute hasOnlySubstanceUnits is set else null
    • getSpeciesBoundaryCondition

      public static Boolean getSpeciesBoundaryCondition​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the boolean value boundaryCondition of the species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      a boolean value if the attribute boundaryCondition is set else null
    • getSpeciesConstant

      public static Boolean getSpeciesConstant​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the boolean value constant of the species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      a boolean value if the attribute constant is set else null
    • getSpeciesConversionFactor

      public static String getSpeciesConversionFactor​(Node speciesNode)
      Returns the conversion factor units of a species
      speciesNode - the node where the information is read from
      conversion factor if it is set else null
    • addSpeciesID

      public static void addSpeciesID​(Node speciesNode, String id)
      Sets the id of a species node
      speciesNode - where the information should be read in
      id - the id to set
    • addSpeciesName

      public static void addSpeciesName​(Node speciesNode, String name)
    • setSpeciesAttributes

      public static void setSpeciesAttributes​(Node sbmlNode, String niceID, Object value)
    • addSpeciesCompartment

      public static void addSpeciesCompartment​(Node speciesNode, String compartment)
      Sets the compartment of a node
      speciesNode - the compartment belongs to this node
      compartment - the id of the compartment that will be set
    • addSpeciesInitialAmount

      public static void addSpeciesInitialAmount​(Node speciesNode, Double initialAmount)
      Sets the initial amount of a node
      speciesNode - the initial amount belongs to this node
      initialAmount - the value that will be set
    • addSpeciesInitialConcentration

      public static void addSpeciesInitialConcentration​(Node speciesNode, Double initialConcentration)
      Sets the initial concentration of a node
      speciesNode - the initial concentration belongs to this node
      initialConcentration - the value that will be set
    • addSpeciesSubstanceUnits

      public static void addSpeciesSubstanceUnits​(Node speciesNode, String substanceUnits)
      Sets the substance units of a species node
      speciesNode - the substance units belong to this node
      substanceUnits - the substance units to set
    • addSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits

      public static void addSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits​(Node speciesNode, Boolean hasOnlySubstanceUnits)
      Sets the attribute hasOnlySubstanceUnits of a species node
      speciesNode - where the attribute is going to be added
      hasOnlySubstanceUnits - the value that will be set
    • addSpeciesBoundaryConsition

      public static void addSpeciesBoundaryConsition​(Node speciesNode, Boolean boundaryCondition)
      Sets the attribute boundary condition of a species node
      speciesNode - where the attribute is going to be added
      boundaryCondition - the value that will be set
    • addSpeciesConstant

      public static void addSpeciesConstant​(Node speciesNode, Boolean constant)
      Sets the attribute constant of a species node
      speciesNode - where the attribute is going to be added
      constant - the value that will be set
    • addSpeciesConversionFactor

      public static void addSpeciesConversionFactor​(Node speciesNode, String conversionFactor)
      Sets the attribute conversion factor of a species node
      speciesNode - where the attribute is going to be added
      conversionFactor - the value that will be set
    • deleteSpeciesID

      public static void deleteSpeciesID​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesName

      public static void deleteSpeciesName​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesCompartment

      public static void deleteSpeciesCompartment​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesInitialAmount

      public static void deleteSpeciesInitialAmount​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesInitialConcentration

      public static void deleteSpeciesInitialConcentration​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesSubstanceUnits

      public static void deleteSpeciesSubstanceUnits​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits

      public static void deleteSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesBoundaryCondition

      public static void deleteSpeciesBoundaryCondition​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesConstant

      public static void deleteSpeciesConstant​(Node node)
    • deleteSpeciesConversionFactor

      public static void deleteSpeciesConversionFactor​(Node node)
    • deleteSpecies

      public static void deleteSpecies​(Node node)
    • getSpeciesNodes

      public static List<Node> getSpeciesNodes​(Graph g)
      Returns all species nodes of the graph
      a list of all species nodes of the graph
    • getSpeciesNode

      public static Node getSpeciesNode​(Graph g, String id)
      Returns the species node with a distinct id
      id - the id of the asked node
      the node with a certain id or null if no node has this id
    • getSpecies

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.Species getSpecies​(Node node)
      Returns a JSBML Species object belonging to a species node
      node - the species node
      a JSBML Species object
    • createSpecies

      public static Node createSpecies​(Graph g, String id, String name)
      Creates a new species node and sets its id
      g - the node is added to this graph
      id - the value of the id that will be set
      a node or null if the id is the empty string
    • initSpeciesNode

      public static Node initSpeciesNode​(Node n)
      This method converts a node into a species node
      n - the node that will be transformed
      the species node that will be returned
    • createSpecies

      public static Node createSpecies​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.Species species)
    • createParameter

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter createParameter​(Graph g, String id)
    • createParameter

      public static void createParameter​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter parameter)
    • addParameterName

      public static void addParameterName​(Graph g, String id, String name)
    • addParameterValue

      public static void addParameterValue​(Graph g, String id, Double value)
    • addParameterUnits

      public static void addParameterUnits​(Graph g, String id, String units)
    • addParameterConstant

      public static void addParameterConstant​(Graph g, String id, boolean constant)
    • deleteParameterName

      public static void deleteParameterName​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteParameterID

      public static void deleteParameterID​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteParameterValue

      public static void deleteParameterValue​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteParameterUnits

      public static void deleteParameterUnits​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteParameterConstant

      public static void deleteParameterConstant​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteParameter

      public static void deleteParameter​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetParameterName

      public static boolean isSetParameterName​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetParameterValue

      public static boolean isSetParameterValue​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetParameterUnits

      public static boolean isSetParameterUnits​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetParameterConstant

      public static boolean isSetParameterConstant​(Graph g, String id)
    • getAllParameters

      public static List<org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter> getAllParameters​(Graph g)
      Returns a list of parameter with distinct headlines
      g - contains the information
      a filled list of parameters
    • createInitialAssignment

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.InitialAssignment createInitialAssignment​(Graph g, String symbol)
    • createInitialAssignment

      public static void createInitialAssignment​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.InitialAssignment ia)
    • addInitialAssignmentFunction

      public static void addInitialAssignmentFunction​(Graph g, String symbol, String function)
    • deleteInitialAssignmentSymbol

      public static void deleteInitialAssignmentSymbol​(Graph g, String symbol)
    • deleteInitialAssignmentFunction

      public static void deleteInitialAssignmentFunction​(Graph g, String symbol)
    • deleteInitialAssignment

      public static void deleteInitialAssignment​(Graph g, String symbol)
    • isSetInitialAssignmentFunction

      public static boolean isSetInitialAssignmentFunction​(Graph g, String symbol)
    • isSetInitialAssignmentSymbol

      public static boolean isSetInitialAssignmentSymbol​(Graph g, String symbol)
    • getAllInitialAssignment

      public static List<org.sbml.jsbml.InitialAssignment> getAllInitialAssignment​(Graph g)
      Returns a list of initial assignment with distinct headlines
      g - contains the information
      a filled list of initial assignment
    • deleteAssignmentRule

      public static void deleteAssignmentRule​(Graph g, String variable)
    • deleteRateRule

      public static void deleteRateRule​(Graph g, String variable)
    • deleteAlgebraicRule

      public static void deleteAlgebraicRule​(Graph g, String formula)
    • createAssignmentRule

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.AssignmentRule createAssignmentRule​(Graph g, String variable)
    • createRateRule

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.RateRule createRateRule​(Graph g, String variable)
    • createAlgebraicRule

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.AlgebraicRule createAlgebraicRule​(Graph g, String formula)
    • createAssignmentRule

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.AssignmentRule createAssignmentRule​(Graph g, String variable, String formula)
    • createRateRule

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.RateRule createRateRule​(Graph g, String variable, String formula)
    • createAssignmentRule

      public static void createAssignmentRule​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.AssignmentRule ar)
    • createRateRule

      public static void createRateRule​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.RateRule rr)
    • createAlgebraicRule

      public static void createAlgebraicRule​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.AlgebraicRule ar)
    • isSetAssignmentRuleFunction

      public static boolean isSetAssignmentRuleFunction​(Graph g, String variable)
    • isSetAssignmentRuleVariable

      public static boolean isSetAssignmentRuleVariable​(Graph g, String variable)
    • isSetRateRuleFunction

      public static boolean isSetRateRuleFunction​(Graph g, String variable)
    • isSetRateRuleVariable

      public static boolean isSetRateRuleVariable​(Graph g, String variable)
    • deleteAssignmentRuleVariable

      public static void deleteAssignmentRuleVariable​(Graph g, String variable)
    • deleteAssignmentRuleFunction

      public static void deleteAssignmentRuleFunction​(Graph g, String variable)
    • deleteRateRuleVariable

      public static void deleteRateRuleVariable​(Graph g, String variable)
    • deleteRateRuleFunction

      public static void deleteRateRuleFunction​(Graph g, String variable)
    • deleteAlgebraicRuleFunction

      public static void deleteAlgebraicRuleFunction​(Graph g, String function)
    • addAssignmentRuleFunction

      public static void addAssignmentRuleFunction​(Graph g, String variable, String function)
    • addAssignmentRuleVariable

      public static void addAssignmentRuleVariable​(Graph g, String variable)
    • addRateRuleFunction

      public static void addRateRuleFunction​(Graph g, String variable, String function)
    • addRateRuleVariable

      public static void addRateRuleVariable​(Graph g, String variable)
    • addAlgebraicRule

      public static void addAlgebraicRule​(Graph g, String function)
    • getAssignmentRuleHeadlines

      public static ArrayList<String> getAssignmentRuleHeadlines​(Graph g)
      Returns a list of all assignment rule headlines in the graph
      g - the graph where the information can be found
      list of headlines
    • getAllAssignmentRules

      public static List<org.sbml.jsbml.AssignmentRule> getAllAssignmentRules​(Graph g)
      Returns a list of assignment rules with distinct headlines
      g - contains the information
      internHeadlines - a list which contains the number of the current assignment rule
      a filled list of assignment rules
    • createConstraint

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.Constraint createConstraint​(Graph g, String math)
    • createConstraint

      public static void createConstraint​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.Constraint constraint)
    • deleteConstraint

      public static void deleteConstraint​(Graph g, String formula)
    • addConstraintMessage

      public static void addConstraintMessage​(Graph g, String formula, String message)
    • addConstraintConstraint

      public static void addConstraintConstraint​(Graph g, String formula)
    • deleteConstraintMessage

      public static void deleteConstraintMessage​(Graph g, String constraint)
    • isSetConstraintMessage

      public static boolean isSetConstraintMessage​(Graph g, String constraint)
    • getAllConstraints

      public static List<org.sbml.jsbml.Constraint> getAllConstraints​(Graph g)
      Returns a list of constraint with distinct headlines
      g - contains the information
      a filled list of constraint
    • isReactionCompartment

      public static Boolean isReactionCompartment​(Node reactionNode)
      Indicates if compartment of a reaction is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if compartment is set else false
    • isReactionFast

      public static Boolean isReactionFast​(Node reactionNode)
      Indicates if fast of a reaction is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if fast is set else false
    • isReactionReversible

      public static Boolean isReactionReversible​(Node reactionNode)
      Indicates if reversible of a reaction is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if reversible is set else false
    • isReactionName

      public static Boolean isReactionName​(Node reactionNode)
      Indicates if name of a reaction is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if name is set else false
    • isReactionID

      public static Boolean isReactionID​(Node reactionNode)
      Indicates if id of a reaction is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      true if id is set else false
    • getReactionID

      public static String getReactionID​(Node reactionNode)
      Returns the id of a reaction
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      id if it is set else the empty string
    • getReactionName

      public static String getReactionName​(Node reactionNode)
      Returns the name of a reaction
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      name if it is set else the empty string
    • getReactionReversible

      public static Boolean getReactionReversible​(Node reactionNode)
      Returns the attribute reversible of a reaction
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      reversible if it is set else null
    • getReactionFast

      public static Boolean getReactionFast​(Node reactionNode)
      Returns the attribute fast of a reaction
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      fast if it is set else the empty string
    • getReactionCompartment

      public static String getReactionCompartment​(Node reactionNode)
      Returns the compartment of a reaction
      reactionNode - the node where the information is read from
      compartment if it is set else the empty string
    • setReactionID

      public static void setReactionID​(Node reactionNode, String ID)
      Sets the attribute id of a node
      reactionNode - the attribute belongs to this node
      id - the value that will be set
    • deleteReactionID

      public static void deleteReactionID​(Node reactionNode)
    • setReactionName

      public static void setReactionName​(Node reactionNode, String name)
    • deleteReactionName

      public static void deleteReactionName​(Node reactionNode)
    • setReactionLabel

      public static void setReactionLabel​(Node reactionNode, String name, String id, PositionGridGenerator pgg)
      Sets the attribute name of a node
      reactionNode - the attribute belongs to this node
      name - the value that will be set
    • setReactionReversible

      public static void setReactionReversible​(Node reactionNode, Boolean reversible)
      Sets the attribute reversible of a node
      reactionNode - the attribute belongs to this node
      reversible - the value that will be set
    • deleteReactionReversible

      public static void deleteReactionReversible​(Node reactionNode)
    • setReactionFast

      public static void setReactionFast​(Node reactionNode, Boolean fast)
      Sets the attribute fast of a node
      reactionNode - the attribute belongs to this node
      fast - the value that will be set
    • deleteReactionFast

      public static void deleteReactionFast​(Node reactionNode)
    • setReactionCompartment

      public static void setReactionCompartment​(Node reactionNode, String compartment)
      Sets the compartment of a node
      reactionNode - the compartment belongs to this node
      compartment - the id of the compartment that will be set
    • deleteReactionCompartment

      public static void deleteReactionCompartment​(Node reactionNode)
    • setReactionSpecies

      public static void setReactionSpecies​(Edge reactionEdge, String species)
      Sets the species of a reaction
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read in
      species - the value that will be read in
    • setReactionSpeciesID

      public static void setReactionSpeciesID​(Edge reactionEdge, String ID)
      The id of the species of an reaction
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read in
      ID - the value that will be read in
    • setReactionSpeciesName

      public static void setReactionSpeciesName​(Edge reactionEdge, String name)
      The name of the species of a reaction
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read in
      name - the value that will be read in
    • isReactionSpecies

      public static Boolean isReactionSpecies​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Indicates if the species attribute is set
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      true if the value is set
    • isReactionSpeciesID

      public static Boolean isReactionSpeciesID​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Indicates if the species id attribute is set
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      true if the value is set
    • isReactionSpeciesName

      public static Boolean isReactionSpeciesName​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Indicates if the species name attribute is set
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      true if the value is set
    • getReactionSpecies

      public static String getReactionSpecies​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Returns the species
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      the value of the attribute species
    • getReactionSpeciesName

      public static String getReactionSpeciesName​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Returns the species name
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      the value of the attribute name
    • getReactionSpeciesID

      public static String getReactionSpeciesID​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Return the species id
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      the value of the attribute id
    • isReactionStoichiometry

      public static Boolean isReactionStoichiometry​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Indicates if there is set a value for stoichiometry
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      true if the attribute stoichiometry is set
    • isReactionConstant

      public static Boolean isReactionConstant​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Indicates if there is set a value for constant
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      true if the attribute constant is set
    • getStoichiometry

      public static String getStoichiometry​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Returns the value of the attribute stoichiometry
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      the value of stoichiometry if the value is set. Else null
    • getReactionConstant

      public static Boolean getReactionConstant​(Edge reactionEdge)
      Returns the value of the attribute constant
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read from
      the value of constant if the value is set. Else null
    • setStoichiometry

      public static void setStoichiometry​(Edge reactionEdge, Double stoichiometry)
      Sets a value for the attribute stoichiometry
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read in
      stoichiometry - the value that will be set
    • deleteStoichiometry

      public static void deleteStoichiometry​(Edge edge)
    • deleteConstant

      public static void deleteConstant​(Edge edge)
    • deleteReactionSpecies

      public static void deleteReactionSpecies​(Edge edge)
    • deleteReactionSpeciesID

      public static void deleteReactionSpeciesID​(Edge edge)
    • deleteReactionSpeciesName

      public static void deleteReactionSpeciesName​(Edge edge)
    • isSetStoichiometry

      public static boolean isSetStoichiometry​(Edge edge)
    • isSetConstant

      public static boolean isSetConstant​(Edge edge)
    • isSetReactionSpecies

      public static boolean isSetReactionSpecies​(Edge edge)
    • isSetReactionSpeciesID

      public static boolean isSetReactionSpeciesID​(Edge edge)
    • isSetReactionSpeciesName

      public static boolean isSetReactionSpeciesName​(Edge edge)
    • setReactionConstant

      public static void setReactionConstant​(Edge reactionEdge, Boolean constant)
      Sets a value for the attribute constant
      reactionEdge - the edge where the information will be read in
      constant - the value that will be set
    • isKineticLawFunction

      public static Boolean isKineticLawFunction​(Node reactionNode)
      Indicates if the function of a kinetic law is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      true id the value is set. Else false
    • getKineticLawFunction

      public static String getKineticLawFunction​(Node reactionNode)
      Returns the function of a kinetic law
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      the function string if it is set. Else the empty string
    • addKineticLaw

      public static void addKineticLaw​(Node reactionNode, String function)
    • addKineticLaw

      public static void addKineticLaw​(Node reactionNode, org.sbml.jsbml.KineticLaw kineticLaw)
    • deleteKineticLawFunction

      public static void deleteKineticLawFunction​(Node node)
    • isLocalParameterID

      public static Boolean isLocalParameterID​(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
      Indicates if the attribute id is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      localParameterCount - the number of the current local parameter
      true if the value is set
    • isLocalParameterName

      public static Boolean isLocalParameterName​(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
      Indicates if the attribute name is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      localParameterCount - the number of the current local parameter
      true if the value is set
    • isLocalParameterValue

      public static Boolean isLocalParameterValue​(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
      Indicates if the attribute value is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      localParameterCount - the number of the current local parameter
      true if the value is set
    • isLocalParameterUnits

      public static Boolean isLocalParameterUnits​(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
      Indicates if the attribute units is set
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      localParameterCount - the number of the current local parameter
      true if the value is set
    • getLocalParameterID

      public static String getLocalParameterID​(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
      Returns the value of the attribute id
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      localParameterCount - the number of the current local parameter
      the value if it is set. Else the empty string
    • getLocalParameterName

      public static String getLocalParameterName​(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
      Returns the value of the attribute name
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      localParameterCount - the number of the current local parameter
      the value if it is set. Else the empty string
    • getLocalParameterValue

      public static Double getLocalParameterValue​(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
      Returns the value of the attribute value
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      localParameterCount - the number of the current local parameter
      the value if it is set. Else the empty string
    • getLocalParameterUnits

      public static String getLocalParameterUnits​(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
      Returns the value of the attribute units
      reactionNode - the node where the information will be read from
      localParameterCount - the number of the current local parameter
      the value if it is set. Else the empty string
    • getReactionNodes

      public static List<Node> getReactionNodes​(Graph g)
      Returns all reaction nodes of the graph
      a list of all reaction nodes of the graph
    • getReactionNode

      public static Node getReactionNode​(Graph g, String id)
      Returns the reaction node with a distinct id
      id - the id of the asked node
      the node with a certain id or null if no node has this id
    • createReaction

      public static Node createReaction​(Graph g, String id, String name)
    • initReactionNode

      public static Node initReactionNode​(Node n)
    • addReactant

      public static Edge addReactant​(Node node, String speciesID)
    • initReactantEdge

      public static Edge initReactantEdge​(Edge e)
    • initProductEdge

      public static Edge initProductEdge​(Edge e)
    • addProduct

      public static Edge addProduct​(Node node, String speciesID)
    • addModifier

      public static Edge addModifier​(Node node, String speciesID)
    • addReactant

      public static Edge addReactant​(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.SpeciesReference ref)
    • deleteReactant

      public static void deleteReactant​(Edge edge)
    • deleteProduct

      public static void deleteProduct​(Edge edge)
    • deleteModifier

      public static void deleteModifier​(Edge edge)
    • addModifier

      public static Edge addModifier​(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.ModifierSpeciesReference ref)
    • addProduct

      public static Edge addProduct​(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.SpeciesReference ref)
    • createReaction

      public static Node createReaction​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.Reaction reaction)
    • addLocalParameterName

      public static void addLocalParameterName​(Node node, String lpID, String name)
    • isSetLocalParameterName

      public static boolean isSetLocalParameterName​(Node node, String lpID)
    • isSetLocalParameterUnits

      public static boolean isSetLocalParameterUnits​(Node node, String lpID)
    • isSetLocalParameterValue

      public static boolean isSetLocalParameterValue​(Node node, String lpID)
    • deleteLocalParameterName

      public static void deleteLocalParameterName​(Node node, String lpID)
    • deleteLocalParameterValue

      public static void deleteLocalParameterValue​(Node node, String lpID)
    • deleteLocalParameterUnits

      public static void deleteLocalParameterUnits​(Node node, String lpID)
    • deleteLocalParameter

      public static void deleteLocalParameter​(Node node, String lpID)
    • deleteLocalParameterID

      public static void deleteLocalParameterID​(Node node, String lpID)
    • addLocalParameterValue

      public static void addLocalParameterValue​(Node node, String lpID, Double value)
    • addLocalParameterUnits

      public static void addLocalParameterUnits​(Node node, String lpID, String units)
    • getProducts

      public static List<Edge> getProducts​(Node node)
      The edges with the simple species references will be returned
      node - the reaction node
      all outgoing edges
    • getReactants

      public static List<Edge> getReactants​(Node node)
      The edges with the simple species references will be returned
      node - the reaction node
      all ingoing edges
    • getModifier

      public static List<Edge> getModifier​(Node node)
      Returns the modifier edges
      node - the reaction node
      all modifier edges
    • getReaction

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.Reaction getReaction​(Node node)
      Returns a JSBML Reaction object belonging to a reaction node
      node - the reaction node
      a JSBML Reaction object
    • addLocalParameter

      public static void addLocalParameter​(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.LocalParameter lp)
    • addLocalParameter

      public static void addLocalParameter​(Node node, String id)
    • localParameterCount

      public static int localParameterCount​(Node node)
      Returns the number of local parameter
      node - the current node
      the amount of local parameter
    • createEvent

      public static org.sbml.jsbml.Event createEvent​(Graph g, String id)
    • createEvent

      public static void createEvent​(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.Event event)
    • addEventName

      public static void addEventName​(Graph g, String id, String name)
    • addEventUseValuesFromTriggerTime

      public static void addEventUseValuesFromTriggerTime​(Graph g, String id, boolean useValuesFromTriggerTime)
    • addTriggerInitialValue

      public static void addTriggerInitialValue​(Graph g, String eventID, boolean initialValue)
    • addTriggerPersistent

      public static void addTriggerPersistent​(Graph g, String eventID, boolean persistent)
    • addTriggerFunction

      public static void addTriggerFunction​(Graph g, String eventID, String function)
    • isSetEventName

      public static boolean isSetEventName​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetEventUseValuesFromTriggerTime

      public static boolean isSetEventUseValuesFromTriggerTime​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetTriggerInitialValue

      public static boolean isSetTriggerInitialValue​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetTriggerPersistent

      public static boolean isSetTriggerPersistent​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetTriggerFunction

      public static boolean isSetTriggerFunction​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetDelayFunction

      public static boolean isSetDelayFunction​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetPriority

      public static boolean isSetPriority​(Graph g, String id)
    • isSetDelay

      public static boolean isSetDelay​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteEventName

      public static void deleteEventName​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteEventUseValuesFromTriggerTime

      public static void deleteEventUseValuesFromTriggerTime​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteEventID

      public static void deleteEventID​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteTriggeInitialValue

      public static void deleteTriggeInitialValue​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteTriggerPersistent

      public static void deleteTriggerPersistent​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteTriggerFunction

      public static void deleteTriggerFunction​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteDelayFunction

      public static void deleteDelayFunction​(Graph g, String id)
    • deletePriorityFunction

      public static void deletePriorityFunction​(Graph g, String id)
    • deleteTrigger

      public static void deleteTrigger​(Graph g, String id)
    • deletePriority

      public static void deletePriority​(Graph g, String id)
    • addTriggerToEvent

      public static void addTriggerToEvent​(Graph g, String id, org.sbml.jsbml.Trigger trigger)
    • addTriggerToEvent

      public static void addTriggerToEvent​(Graph g, String id, boolean initialValue, boolean persistent, String formula)
    • addPriorityToEvent

      public static void addPriorityToEvent​(Graph g, String id, org.sbml.jsbml.Priority priority)
    • addDelayToEvent

      public static void addDelayToEvent​(Graph g, String id, org.sbml.jsbml.Delay delay)
    • addPriorityToEvent

      public static void addPriorityToEvent​(Graph g, String id, String function)
    • addDelayToEvent

      public static void addDelayToEvent​(Graph g, String id, String function)
    • addEventAssignmentToEvent

      public static void addEventAssignmentToEvent​(Graph g, String id, String variable, String function)
    • addEventAssignmentToEvent

      public static void addEventAssignmentToEvent​(Graph g, String id, org.sbml.jsbml.EventAssignment eventAssignment)
    • deleteEventAssignment

      public static void deleteEventAssignment​(Graph g, String id, String variable)
    • deleteEvent

      public static void deleteEvent​(Graph g, String id)
    • getAllEvent

      public static List<org.sbml.jsbml.Event> getAllEvent​(Graph g)
      Returns a list of event with distinct headlines
      g - contains the information
      internHeadlines - a list which contains the number of the current event
      a filled list of event
    • isSetLayoutID

      public static boolean isSetLayoutID​(Graph g, Node node)