User Support

How to use TEAMwISE


Please refer to the table below for feature requirements.
Required Needed for Notes
Cesium ion Key No Image layers You can sign up with Cesium here
Movebank Account Yes Movebank data direct loanding To register with Movebank, see our step by step instructions
R Yes
- Movebank data direct loanding
- R extension for data analysis
If you would like to load movebank data directly or use the R extension feature, before starting TEAMwISE:
- install R if you don't have R installed in your computer
- install two R packages: openCPU, move
* see our FAQs if you have problem for installation or configurations


  • please have your own Cesium ion key ready before you start TEAMwISE
  • unzip the package, and remember where you saved the unzipped package
  • in command prompt (or terminal) navigate to the folder where you saved the package
  • go to the "core" folder
  • run "npm ci", you may find the answer from the FAQ if there is any problem

Quick start TEAMwISE

  • in command prompt (or terminal) navigate to the folder where you saved TEAMwISE
  • go to the "core" folder
  • run "node tw.js" to start local host connection
  • go to the local host http://localhost:8080/ via the browser
  • you can start your TEAMwISE by clicking the link 'Let's start here'
  • you can use the Movebank loading feature and the Join View feature from the Menu without further steps

Single View TEAMwISE

  • in command prompt (or terminal) navigate to the folder where you saved TEAMwISE
  • go to the "core" folder
  • run "node server.js" to start local host connection
  • go to the local host http://localhost:8080/ via the browser
  • now, you can start your TEAMwISE by clicking the link 'Let's start here'
  • you can load your load csv or kml file with a single view
  • * If you start with single view and would like to use the Movebank loading or the Join View feature, you will need further steps to run those features.
    * Please look up the relvant features for further instructions.

Join View TEAMwISE

Please make sure all devices are in the same network for join view.

If you start with quick start:

  • in the menu panel
  • go to "Join Session → Control view"
  • in the sub menu of "Control View" and "Spectator View"
    - clicking the button under the qr code, new browser windons should pop up accordingly
    - scan the qr code with your mobile devices if you would like to connect with other mobile devices
  • in the "Control View" browser, you can start loading file and explore your data, "Spectator View" can show different perspectives but it has no control of the time line
  • you may also start another secssion using the "Independent View" in the sub menu

If you start with single view, you will to start the synchronisation server in addition to the local host server:

  • start another command prompt (or terminal)
  • go to the "core" folder
  • run "node syncServer.js" to start synchronisation server
  • After starting the synchronisation server, the rest will be the same as quick start.

Movebank Loading

If you start with quick start, you can start the Movebank loading directly without any further steps.

* just remember you need to have your Movebank user name and password beforehand.
* you can register with Movebank or see the step by step instructions

If you start with single view, you will need to start the openCPU server (for synchronisation) in addition to the local host server:

  • start another command prompt (or terminal)
  • go to the "core" folder
  • run "Rscript.exe ./Teamwise/movebank/server.R" to start openCPU server
  • After starting the synchronisation server, the rest will be the same as quick start.



  • npm installation
  • You might be asked to run "npm audit fix" during the first time installation.

CSV file loading issues

    TW reads the CSV file headers for variables, however TW will not recognize the variable if the header hasn't been named as expected. If csv file loading has a problem, please use the following template for your CSV file header for listed variables:
    variables timestamp longtitude latitude altitude/height individual name or id individual name or id
    CSV header/lable timestamp location-long location-lat height-above-ellipsoid tag-local-identifier individual-local-identifier
    ** Example TW timestamp format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2013-08-26 23:20:21

Cesium ion Key

load your Cesium ion Key

  • go to the main Menu
  • → select "Settings"
  • → select "Cesium ion Key"
  • insert your ion key in "ion Key Settings" window and save
  • you can change the ion key, just insert the new ion key and save it

Quick start vs Single View start

  • quick start is recommanded, unless other server is running and caused conflicts

Join Session

    If you run the join session with multiple devices, please make sure all devices are in the same network.

IP configuration

    - Port 8080 is the defautl localhost port, if the browser can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:8080

    • You may check if your command prompt (or terminal) for local host (where you started the local host) is still on.
    • If you have error message saying the port 8080 is using for another applications, you can run "node server.js --8085" (or other port number is not using) in command prompt (or terminal).

    - The system automatically detects one of your local IP addresses, runs the application on this IP and also shows this in the console upon server start.

    - However, if the machine is part of more than one local networks, you might want to change the IP in order to change the network in which TEAMwISE is running.

    - To do so, insert the preferred IP as "ipCustom" in the config file (core/Teamwise/config.json) and restart the server(s).

R configuration

    - If you are using window, and have an error massage "Rscript’ is not recognized as an internal or external command ... ”, you might need to configur the system path for R
    • find out the system path for R
      → in R or R studio console, try command ".Library"
    • add the path as environment variable in your OS