Interface CollectionAttribute

All Superinterfaces:
Attribute, DeepCopy, Displayable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCollectionAttribute, ColorAttribute, CoordinateAttribute, DimensionAttribute, DockingAttribute, EdgeGraphicAttribute, EdgeLabelAttribute, EdgeLabelPositionAttribute, GraphElementGraphicAttribute, HashMapAttribute, ImageAttribute, LabelAttribute, LinkedHashMapAttribute, NodeGraphicAttribute, NodeLabelAttribute, NodeLabelPositionAttribute, PortAttribute, PortsAttribute, PositionAttribute, ShapeDescriptionAttribute

public interface CollectionAttribute
extends DeepCopy, Attribute
Contains a Collection of Attributes. It is similar to a directory which contains files and subdirectories. All methods modifying the CollectionAttribute (no get-Methods or anything similar) have to inform the ListenerManager about the modification. The ListenerManager is accessible via getAttributable().getListenerManager().

Implementation note: The information of the ListenerManager could look as follows:

 public whatever modify() {
     AttributeEvent attr = new AttributeEvent(...);
     ListenerManager lm = getAttributable().getListenerManager();
     // ...
     // here the Attribute will be modified.
     // ...
     return anything;

$Revision: 1.5 $