Class PortAttribute

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<Object>, Attribute, CollectionAttribute, DeepCopy, GraphicAttributeConstants, Displayable

public class PortAttribute
extends HashMapAttribute
implements GraphicAttributeConstants
Contains information about the port of a node
$Revision: 1.6 $
  • Constructor Details

    • PortAttribute

      public PortAttribute​(String id)
      Constructor for Port.
      id - the id of the attribute.
    • PortAttribute

      public PortAttribute​(String id, Port port)
      Constructor with an ID and a Port object.
      id -
      port -
    • PortAttribute

      public PortAttribute​(String id, String n, CoordinateAttribute c)
      Constructor for Port.
      id - the id of the attribute.
      n - the name-value of the attribute.
      c - the coordinate-value of the attribute.
    • PortAttribute

      public PortAttribute​(String id, String n, Point2D c)
      Constructor for Port.
      id - the id of the attribute.
      n - the name-value of the attribute.
      c - the coordinate-value of the attribute.
    • PortAttribute

      public PortAttribute​(String id, StringAttribute n, double x, double y)
      Constructor for Port.
      id - the id of the attribute.
      n - the name-value of the attribute.
      x - the x-coordinate-value of the attribute.
      y - the y-coordinate-value of the attribute.
    • PortAttribute

      public PortAttribute​(String id, StringAttribute n, CoordinateAttribute c)
      Constructor for Port.
      id - the id of the attribute.
      n - the name-value of the attribute.
      c - the coordinate-value of the attribute.
    • PortAttribute

      public PortAttribute​(String id, StringAttribute n, Point2D c)
      Constructor for Port.
      id - the id of the attribute.
      n - the name-value of the attribute.
      c - the coordinate-value of the attribute.
    • PortAttribute

      public PortAttribute​(String id, String n, double x, double y)
      Constructor for Port.
      id - the id of the attribute.
      n - the name-value of the attribute.
      x - the x-coordinate-value of the attribute.
      y - the y-coordinate-value of the attribute.
  • Method Details