The need
Several cutting-edge areas in antimicrobial pharmacology are emerging, including systems pharmacology, integrative bioinformatics, molecular dynamic simulations, network analysis and modelling, high-content imaging analysis, whole cell based modelling, machine learning, and mechanism-based PK/PD/TD modelling. They increasingly play important roles in understanding antibacterial killing, bacterial resistance, antibiotic toxicity, and host-pathogen-drug interactions. Integrating these powerful computational approaches will substantially facilitate optimisation of antibiotic use in patients.
Global Initiative on Antimicrobial Computational Pharmacology (GIAComP)
We aim to establish GIAComP based on major research groups in antimicrobial pharmacology and computational biology worldwide.
The main objective of GIAComP is to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations among scientists working in antimicrobial computational
pharmacology, including systems pharmacology, bioinformatics, molecular dynamic, network analysis, imaging analysis, whole cell modelling,
machine learning, and PK/PD/TD. The website is under construction and no membership fee is required.
We need to establish a council for GIAComP, which is inclusive and includes as many groups as possible worldwide.
GIAComP is mainly based on common research interests.
Topics of Interest
- Systems Pharmacology
- Bioinformatics
- Network Analysis and Modelling
- Computational Biology
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Chemoinformatics and Drug Design
- Machine Learning
- Imaging Analysis
- Epidemiology Modelling
- Mechanism-based PK/PD/TD Modelling
- Phage PK/PD Modelling
- Whole Cell Modelling and Genome-Scale Metabolic Modelling
ICAComP 2022 is organised by Monash University, Melbourne, Australia and University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
ICAComP 2022 local organiser (
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
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