Uses of Interface
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti that return Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static Edge
GraphHelperBio. addEdgeCopyIfNotExistant(Edge refEdge, Node a, Node b)
static Edge
GraphHelperBio. addEdgeIfNotExistant(Graph graph, Node nodeA, Node nodeB, boolean directed, CollectionAttribute graphicsAttributeForEdge)
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti that return types with arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static ArrayList<Edge>
GraphHelperBio. getMapLinkEdges(Graph g)
static Collection<Edge>
GraphHelper. getSelectedOrAllEdges()
static Collection<Edge>
GraphHelper. getSelectedOrAllEdges(Selection selection, Graph graph)
static Collection<Edge>
GraphHelper. getSelectedOrAllEdges(EditorSession workSession)
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static void
GraphHelper. addBends(Edge edge, Collection<Vector2d> bendPoints)
static Edge
GraphHelperBio. addEdgeCopyIfNotExistant(Edge refEdge, Node a, Node b)
static boolean
GraphHelperBio. isMapLink(Edge e)
static void
GraphHelper. selectGraphElement(Edge e)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti with type arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static void
GraphHelper. applyUndoableEdgeReversal(Graph graph, Collection<Edge> edges, String description)
static boolean
GraphHelper. hasBends(Collection<Edge> edges)
Does the given collection contain edges with bends?static void
GraphHelper. introduceNewBends(Graph graph, HashSet<Edge> edges, int percent, String shape, int bends, boolean massCenterFromSelection, String description, boolean enableUndo)
Add new bends to a graphstatic void
GraphHelper. introduceNewBends(Graph graph, HashSet<Edge> workEdges, int minPercent, String edgeShape, int i, String description, boolean enableUndo)
static void
GraphHelper. removeBends(Graph graph, Collection<Edge> edges, boolean enableUndo)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.naive_pattern_finder
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.naive_pattern_finder with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static void
PatternAttributeUtils. addAGNWContainer(Edge e)
Adds the top level container attribute "AGNW" to the given edge.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. addPattern(Edge e, int position)
Adds the pattern container for the given pattern position at the given edge.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. addPatternContainer(Edge e)
Adds the pattern container attribute "AGNW.PATTERN" to the given edge.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. addPatternInformation(Edge e, int position, String patternName, Integer patternIndex, Integer edgeIndex)
Adds a set of pattern information to the given edge.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. checkAndAddAGNWContainer(Edge e)
Adds the top level container attribute "AGNW" to the given edge, if it is not already there.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. checkAndAddPattern(Edge e, int position)
Adds the pattern container for the pattern position to the given edge, if it is not already there.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. checkAndAddPatternContainer(Edge e)
Adds the pattern container attribute "AGNW.PATTERN" to the given edge, if it is not already there.static boolean
PatternAttributeUtils. checkExistenceAGNWContainer(Edge e)
Checks, if the top level container attribute "AGNW" exists at the given edge.static boolean
PatternAttributeUtils. checkExistenceOfAnyPattern(Edge e)
Checks if a pattern exists at the given edge.static boolean
PatternAttributeUtils. checkExistencePattern(Edge e, int position)
Checks, if the pattern container for the pattern position exists at the given edge.static boolean
PatternAttributeUtils. checkExistencePatternContainer(Edge e)
Checks, if the pattern container attribute "AGNW.PATTERN" exists at the given edge.static int
PatternAttributeUtils. findPatternPosition(Edge e, String patternName, Integer patternIndex)
Returns the position of the given pattern name and pattern index for the given edge.static Integer
PatternAttributeUtils. getEdgeIndex(Edge e, int position)
Returns the edge index for the given edge and position.static Integer
PatternAttributeUtils. getInternalEdgeIndex(Edge e, int position)
Returns the internal edge index for the given edge and position.static int
PatternAttributeUtils. getMaximumPatternPosition(Edge e)
Returns the maximal position value of the pattern container.static Integer
PatternAttributeUtils. getPatternIndex(Edge e, int position)
Returns the pattern index for the given edge and position.static String
PatternAttributeUtils. getPatternName(Edge e, int position)
Returns the pattern name for the given edge and position. -
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.selectCommands
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.selectCommands that return types with arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<Edge>
SelectEdgesAlgorithm. getInnerClusterEdges(Collection<Edge> edges)
static Collection<Edge>
SelectEdgesAlgorithm. getInterClusterEdges(Collection<Edge> edges)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.selectCommands with type arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<Edge>
SelectEdgesAlgorithm. getInnerClusterEdges(Collection<Edge> edges)
static Collection<Edge>
SelectEdgesAlgorithm. getInterClusterEdges(Collection<Edge> edges)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper that return types with arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<Edge>
NodeHelper. getAllInEdges()
NodeHelper. getAllOutEdges()
NodeHelper. getDirectedInEdges()
NodeHelper. getDirectedInEdgesIterator()
NodeHelper. getDirectedOutEdges()
NodeHelper. getDirectedOutEdgesIterator()
NodeHelper. getEdges()
NodeHelper. getEdgesIterator()
NodeHelper. getUndirectedEdges()
NodeHelper. getUndirectedEdgesIterator()
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
EdgeHelper. hasMappingData(Edge e)
static void
EdgeHelper. moveBends(Edge edge, double offX, double offY)
static void
EdgeHelper. moveBends(Edge e, double moveX, double moveY, HashMap<CoordinateAttribute,Vector2d> bends2newPositions)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.biopax.lvl3utility
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.biopax.lvl3utility with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description void
StoichiometryWriter. readParticipantStoichiometry(org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.PhysicalEntity phys, org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Conversion interaction, Edge edge, org.biopax.paxtools.model.Model model)
StoichiometryWriter. writeParticipantStoichiometry(Node physicalEntityNode, Node reactionNode, Edge e, Set<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Stoichiometry> Stoichiometry)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.metatool
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.metatool with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static String
MetatoolWriter. getEdgeLabel(Edge ed)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.sbml
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.sbml with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description void
SBML_SBase_Writer. addSBaseAttributes(org.sbml.jsbml.AbstractSBase sbase, Edge e, String niceID)
SBML_SBase_Writer. getAttribute(Edge e, String headline, String attributeName)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.biopax.lvl2utility
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.biopax.lvl2utility with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description void
StoichiometryWriter. writeParticipantStoichiometry(Node node, Node center, Edge e, Set<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level2.physicalEntityParticipant> set)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.sbml
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static ArrayList<IndexAndString>
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggReactionProducts(Edge e)
static ArrayList<IndexAndString>
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggReactionSubstrates(Edge e)
static ArrayList<IndexAndString>
KeggGmlHelper. getRelationSourceAndTargets(Edge e)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getRelationSourceTarget(Edge e, int index)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getRelationSubtypeName(Edge e, int index)
static ArrayList<IndexAndString>
KeggGmlHelper. getRelationSubTypeNames(Edge e)
static ArrayList<IndexAndString>
KeggGmlHelper. getRelationTypes(Edge e)
static void
Reaction. processEdgeReactionInformation(Edge e, ArrayList<ReactionAndInfo> reactionsRequestingThisNodeCombination, ArrayList<ReactionAndInfo> reactionsRequestingThisInverseNodeCombination)
static void
Relation. processEdgeRelationInformation(Edge e, ArrayList<Relation> relationsRequestingThisNodeCombination)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setEdgeLabel(Edge e, String label)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsLineStyleIndirect(Edge e)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsLineStyleInhibitionArrow(Edge e)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsLineStyleMap(Edge e)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggReactionProduct(Edge e, int index, String id)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggReactionSubstrate(Edge e, int index, String id)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setRelationSourceTargetInformation(Edge e, int index, String srcKeggId, String tgtKeggId)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setRelationSrcTgtInformation(Edge e, int i, IdRef e1, IdRef e2)
Add information about source or target entity which requests a relation and thus the creation of an edgestatic void
KeggGmlHelper. setRelationSubtypeName(Edge e, int index, String subtype)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setRelationTypeInformation(Edge e, int index, RelationType rt)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml that return Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static Edge
SBMLHelper. addModifier(Node node, String speciesID)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addModifier(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.ModifierSpeciesReference ref)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addProduct(Node node, String speciesID)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addProduct(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.SpeciesReference ref)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addReactant(Node node, String speciesID)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addReactant(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.SpeciesReference ref)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. initProductEdge(Edge e)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. initReactantEdge(Edge e)
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml that return types with arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static List<Edge>
SBMLHelper. getModifier(Node node)
Returns the modifier edgesMap<ReactionIDSpeciesIDWrapper,List<Edge>>
SBMLReactionHelper. getModifierClones()
SBMLReactionHelper. getProductClones()
static List<Edge>
SBMLHelper. getProducts(Node node)
The edges with the simple species references will be returnedMap<ReactionIDSpeciesIDWrapper,List<Edge>>
SBMLReactionHelper. getReactantClones()
static List<Edge>
SBMLHelper. getReactants(Node node)
The edges with the simple species references will be returnedMethods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description void
SBMLReactionHelper. addModifierCloneToList(String reactionId, String speciesId, Edge reactantEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. addProductCloneToList(String reactionId, String speciesId, Edge reactantEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. addReactantCloneToList(String reactionId, String speciesId, Edge reactantEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteAnnotationModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteAnnotationProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteAnnotationReactant(Edge edge)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteConstant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteMetaIDModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteMetaIDProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteMetaIDReactant(Edge edge)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteNonRDFAnnotationModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteNonRDFAnnotationProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteNonRDFAnnotationReactant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteNotesModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteNotesProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteNotesReactant(Edge edge)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteProduct(Edge edge)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactant(Edge edge)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactionSpecies(Edge edge)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactionSpeciesID(Edge edge)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactionSpeciesName(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteSBOTermModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteSBOTermProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteSBOTermReactant(Edge edge)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteStoichiometry(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getAnnotationModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getAnnotationProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getAnnotationReactant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getConstant(Edge reactionEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getID(Edge reactionEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getMetaIDModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getMetaIDProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getMetaIDReactant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getName(Edge reactionEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getNonRDFAnnotationModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getNonRDFAnnotationProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getNonRDFAnnotationReactant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getNotesModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getNotesProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getNotesReactant(Edge edge)
static Boolean
SBMLHelper. getReactionConstant(Edge reactionEdge)
Returns the value of the attribute constantstatic String
SBMLHelper. getReactionSpecies(Edge reactionEdge)
Returns the speciesstatic String
SBMLHelper. getReactionSpeciesID(Edge reactionEdge)
Return the species idstatic String
SBMLHelper. getReactionSpeciesName(Edge reactionEdge)
Returns the species nameString
SBMLReactionHelper. getSBOTermModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getSBOTermProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getSBOTermReactant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. getSpecies(Edge reactionEdge)
static String
SBMLHelper. getStoichiometry(Edge reactionEdge)
Returns the value of the attribute stoichiometryString
SBMLReactionHelper. getStoichiometry(Edge reactionEdge)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. initProductEdge(Edge e)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. initReactantEdge(Edge e)
static Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionConstant(Edge reactionEdge)
Indicates if there is set a value for constantstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionSpecies(Edge reactionEdge)
Indicates if the species attribute is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionSpeciesID(Edge reactionEdge)
Indicates if the species id attribute is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionSpeciesName(Edge reactionEdge)
Indicates if the species name attribute is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionStoichiometry(Edge reactionEdge)
Indicates if there is set a value for stoichiometryBoolean
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetAnnotationModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetAnnotationProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetAnnotationReactant(Edge edge)
static boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetConstant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetConstant(Edge reactionEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetID(Edge reactionEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetMetaIDModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetMetaIDProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetMetaIDReactant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetName(Edge reactionEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetNonRDFAnnotationModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetNonRDFAnnotationProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetNonRDFAnnotationReactant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetNotesModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetNotesProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetNotesReactant(Edge edge)
static boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetReactionSpecies(Edge edge)
static boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetReactionSpeciesID(Edge edge)
static boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetReactionSpeciesName(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetSBOTermModifier(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetSBOTermProduct(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetSBOTermReactant(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetSpecies(Edge reactionEdge)
static boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetStoichiometry(Edge edge)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetStoichiometry(Edge reactionEdge)
SBMLReactionHelper. setAnnotationModifier(Edge reactionEdge, org.sbml.jsbml.Annotation annotation)
SBMLReactionHelper. setAnnotationProduct(Edge reactionEdge, org.sbml.jsbml.Annotation annotation)
SBMLReactionHelper. setAnnotationReactant(Edge reactionEdge, org.sbml.jsbml.Annotation annotation)
SBMLReactionHelper. setConstant(Edge reactionEdge, Boolean constant)
SBMLReactionHelper. setID(Edge reactionEdge, String ID)
SBMLReactionHelper. setMetaIDModifier(Edge reactionEdge, String metaID)
SBMLReactionHelper. setMetaIDProduct(Edge reactionEdge, String metaID)
SBMLReactionHelper. setMetaIDReactant(Edge reactionEdge, String metaID)
SBMLReactionHelper. setName(Edge reactionEdge, String name)
SBMLReactionHelper. setNonRDFAnnotationModifier(Edge reactionEdge, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode xmlNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. setNonRDFAnnotationProduct(Edge reactionEdge, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode xmlNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. setNonRDFAnnotationReactant(Edge reactionEdge, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode xmlNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. setNotesModifier(Edge reactionEdge, String notes, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode notesObj)
SBMLReactionHelper. setNotesProduct(Edge reactionEdge, String notes, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode notesObj)
SBMLReactionHelper. setNotesReactant(Edge reactionEdge, String notes, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode notesObj)
static void
SBMLHelper. setReactionConstant(Edge reactionEdge, Boolean constant)
Sets a value for the attribute constantstatic void
SBMLHelper. setReactionSpecies(Edge reactionEdge, String species)
Sets the species of a reactionstatic void
SBMLHelper. setReactionSpeciesID(Edge reactionEdge, String ID)
The id of the species of an reactionstatic void
SBMLHelper. setReactionSpeciesName(Edge reactionEdge, String name)
The name of the species of a reactionvoid
SBMLReactionHelper. setSBOTermModifier(Edge reactionEdge, String sboTerm)
SBMLReactionHelper. setSBOTermProduct(Edge reactionEdge, String sboTerm)
SBMLReactionHelper. setSBOTermReactant(Edge reactionEdge, String sboTerm)
SBMLReactionHelper. setSpecies(Edge reactionEdge, String species)
static void
SBMLHelper. setStoichiometry(Edge reactionEdge, Double stoichiometry)
Sets a value for the attribute stoichiometryvoid
SBMLReactionHelper. setStoichiometry(Edge reactionEdge, Double stoichiometry)
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.graph_to_origin_mover
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.graph_to_origin_mover with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static void
CenterLayouterAlgorithm. moveBends(Edge e, double moveX, double moveY, HashMap<CoordinateAttribute,Vector2d> bends2newPositions)
Deprecated. -
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.rt_tree
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.rt_tree that return types with arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description HashSet<Edge>
TreeContainer. getEdges()
Uses of Edge in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.graph_cleanup
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.graph_cleanup with type arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description JMenuItem[]
DeleteNodesAlgorithm. getCurrentEdgeContextMenuItem(Collection<Edge> selectedEdges)
NumberNodesAndEdgesAlgorithm. getCurrentEdgeContextMenuItem(Collection<Edge> selectedEdges)
Uses of Edge in org
Methods in org with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static CoordinateAttribute
AttributeHelper. addEdgeBend(Edge edge, double x, double y)
static CoordinateAttribute
AttributeHelper. addEdgeBend(Edge edge, double x, double y, boolean safeAdd)
static void
AttributeHelper. addEdgeBend(Edge edge, Vector2d point)
static void
AttributeHelper. addEdgeBends(Edge edge, Collection<Vector2d> points)
static String
AttributeHelper. getArrowhead(Edge edge)
static double
AttributeHelper. getArrowSize(Edge edge)
static String
AttributeHelper. getArrowtail(Edge edge)
static float[]
AttributeHelper. getDashInfo(Edge edge)
static ArrayList<CoordinateAttribute>
AttributeHelper. getEdgeBendCoordinateAttributes(Edge edge)
static ArrayList<Vector2d>
AttributeHelper. getEdgeBends(Edge edge)
static String
AttributeHelper. getEdgeBendStyle(Edge edge)
static EdgeLabelAttribute
AttributeHelper. getLabel(int index, Edge edge)
Get EdgeLabelAttribute (if available)static String
AttributeHelper. getLabelConsumption(Edge e, String returnIfNull)
static String
AttributeHelper. getLabelProduction(Edge e, String returnIfNull)
static void
AttributeHelper. removeEdgeBends(Edge edge)
static void
AttributeHelper. setArrowhead(Edge edge, boolean show)
static void
AttributeHelper. setArrowhead(Edge edge, String knownShapeClassName)
static void
AttributeHelper. setArrowSize(Edge edge, double arrowSize)
static void
AttributeHelper. setArrowtail(Edge edge, boolean show)
Assign a arrow shape in the opposite direction.of an edge.static void
AttributeHelper. setArrowtail(Edge edge, String knownShapeClassName)
static void
AttributeHelper. setBorderWidth(Edge edge, double frameThickness)
static void
AttributeHelper. setDashArray(Edge edge, float[] dashArray)
static void
AttributeHelper. setDashArray(Edge edge, float[] dashArray, float dashphase)
static void
AttributeHelper. setEdgeBendStyle(Edge edge, String shape)
static void
AttributeHelper. setKEGGhiddenCompoundInformation(Edge e, String compID)
static void
AttributeHelper. setLabel(Edge edge, String label)
Sets the Label of a Edgestatic void
AttributeHelper. setLabel(Edge edge, String label, String fontName)
Sets the label of an edgestatic void
AttributeHelper. setLabelConsumption(Edge e, String srcLabel)
static void
AttributeHelper. setLabelProduction(Edge e, String tgtLabel)
static void
AttributeHelper. setShape(Edge edge, String knownShapeClassName)
Uses of Edge in org.graffiti.event
Methods in org.graffiti.event that return Edge Modifier and Type Method Description Edge
EdgeEvent. getEdge()
Returns the originator of the event.Edge
GraphEvent. getEdge()
Returns the edge that originates this event, e.g.: the edge that has been added.Edge
NodeEvent. getEdge()
Returns the edge that originated this event.Constructors in org.graffiti.event with parameters of type Edge Constructor Description EdgeEvent(Edge edge)
Constructs an edge event object with the specified source component.GraphEvent(Edge edge)
Constructs a graph event object with the specified source component.NodeEvent(Node node, Edge edge)
Constructs a graph event object with the specified source components. -
Uses of Edge in org.graffiti.graph
Classes in org.graffiti.graph that implement Edge Modifier and Type Class Description class
Provides default implementations of methods on edges.class
Implementation of theEdge
interface for aGraph
with adjacency list representation.Methods in org.graffiti.graph that return Edge Modifier and Type Method Description Edge
AbstractGraph. addEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed)
Adds a new edge to the current graph.Edge
AbstractGraph. addEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed, CollectionAttribute col)
Adds a new edge to the current graph.Edge
Graph. addEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed)
Adds a newEdge
to the currentGraph
Graph. addEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed, CollectionAttribute col)
Adds a newEdge
to the currentGraph
AbstractGraph. addEdgeCopy(Edge edge, Node source, Node target)
Adds a copy of the specified edge to the graph as a new edge between the specified source and target node.Edge
Graph. addEdgeCopy(Edge edge, Node source, Node target)
Adds a copy of the specifiedEdge
to theGraph
as a newEdge
between the specified source and targetNode
.Methods in org.graffiti.graph that return types with arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<Edge>
AbstractNode. getAllInEdges()
Node. getAllInEdges()
Union ofgetDirectedInEdges()
AbstractNode. getAllOutEdges()
Node. getAllOutEdges()
Union ofgetDirectedOutEdges()
AbstractNode. getDirectedInEdges()
Returns a collection containing the directed, ingoing edges of theNode
Node. getDirectedInEdges()
Returns a collection containing the directed ingoing edges of theNode
AdjListNode. getDirectedInEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator containing the directed ingoing edges of theNode
Node. getDirectedInEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator containing the directed ingoing edges of theNode
AbstractNode. getDirectedOutEdges()
Returns a collection containing the directed outgoing edges of theNode
Node. getDirectedOutEdges()
Returns a collection containing the outgoing directed edges of theNode
AdjListNode. getDirectedOutEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator containing the outgoing directed edges of theNode
Node. getDirectedOutEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator containing the outgoing directed edges of theNode
AbstractGraph. getEdges()
Returns ajava.util.Collection
containing all the edges of the current graph.Collection<Edge>
AbstractGraph. getEdges(Node n1, Node n2)
Returns a collection containing all the edges between n1 and n2.Collection<Edge>
AbstractNode. getEdges()
Returns a collection containing all the ingoing and outgoing directed and undirected edges of the currentNode
AdjListGraph. getEdges()
AdjListGraph. getEdges(Node n1, Node n2)
AdjListNode. getEdges()
Graph. getEdges()
Returns ajava.util.Collection
containing all the edges of the currentGraph
Graph. getEdges(Node n1, Node n2)
Returns a collection containing all the edges between n1 and n2.Collection<Edge>
Node. getEdges()
Returns a collection containing all the ingoing and outgoing directed and undirected edges of the currentNode
OptAdjListGraph. getEdges()
Returns ajava.util.Collection
containing all the edges of the current graph.Iterator<Edge>
AbstractGraph. getEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator over the edges of the graph.Iterator<Edge>
AdjListNode. getEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator containing all the ingoing and outgoing directed and undirected edges of the currentNode
Graph. getEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator over the edges of theGraph
Node. getEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator containing all the ingoing and outgoing directed and undirected edges of the currentNode
OptAdjListGraph. getEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator over the edges of the graph.Collection<Edge>
AbstractNode. getUndirectedEdges()
Returns a collection containing the undirected edges of theNode
Node. getUndirectedEdges()
Returns a collection containing the undirected ingoing and outgoing edges of theNode
AdjListNode. getUndirectedEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator containing the undirected ingoing and outgoing edges of theNode
Node. getUndirectedEdgesIterator()
Returns an iterator containing all undirected edges of theNode
.Methods in org.graffiti.graph with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description Edge
AbstractGraph. addEdgeCopy(Edge edge, Node source, Node target)
Adds a copy of the specified edge to the graph as a new edge between the specified source and target node.Edge
Graph. addEdgeCopy(Edge edge, Node source, Node target)
Adds a copy of the specifiedEdge
to theGraph
as a newEdge
between the specified source and targetNode
AbstractGraph. containsEdge(Edge e)
, if the graph contains the specified edge,false
Graph. containsEdge(Edge e)
, if theGraph
contains the specifiedEdge
OptAdjListGraph. containsEdge(Edge e)
, if the graph contains the specified edge,false
AbstractGraph. deleteEdge(Edge e)
Deletes the given edge from the current graph.void
Graph. deleteEdge(Edge e)
e from the currentGraph
. -
Uses of Edge in org.graffiti.plugin.algorithm
Method parameters in org.graffiti.plugin.algorithm with type arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description JMenuItem[]
ProvidesEdgeContextMenu. getCurrentEdgeContextMenuItem(Collection<Edge> selectedEdges)
This method should be implemented, as that it returns the desired Context-MenuItem for the Plugin. -
Uses of Edge in org.graffiti.plugin.parameter
Methods in org.graffiti.plugin.parameter that return Edge Modifier and Type Method Description Edge
EdgeParameter. getEdge()
Returns theEdge
contained in thisEdgeParameter
.Constructors in org.graffiti.plugin.parameter with parameters of type Edge Constructor Description EdgeParameter(Edge edge, String name, String description)
Constructs a new edge parameter. -
Uses of Edge in org.graffiti.selection
Methods in org.graffiti.selection that return types with arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<Edge>
Selection. getEdges()
Returns the list of selected edges.Methods in org.graffiti.selection with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description void
Selection. add(Edge edge)
Adds the given edge to the list of selected edges. -
Uses of Edge in org.graffiti.undo
Constructors in org.graffiti.undo with parameters of type Edge Constructor Description AddEdgeEdit(Edge edge, Graph graph, Map<GraphElement,GraphElement> geMap)
Constructor for AddEdgeEdit. -
Uses of Edge in org.graffiti.util
Methods in org.graffiti.util that return types with arguments of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<Edge>
GeneralUtils. getEdges(Node n1, Node n2)
Returns aCollection
of edges betweenn1
(source) andn2
(target). -
Uses of Edge in org.vanted.animation.animations
Constructors in org.vanted.animation.animations with parameters of type Edge Constructor Description ArrowSizeAnimation(Edge attributable, List<DoubleTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration)
ArrowSizeAnimation(Edge attributable, List<DoubleTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration, double startTime)
ArrowSizeAnimation(Edge attributable, List<DoubleTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration, double startTime, int noLoops)
ArrowSizeAnimation(Edge attributable, List<DoubleTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration, double startTime, int noLoops, Looper looper)
ArrowSizeAnimation(Edge attributable, List<DoubleTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration, double startTime, int noLoops, Looper looper, Interpolator interpolator)
LabelTextAnimation(Edge attributable, List<StringTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration)
LabelTextAnimation(Edge attributable, List<StringTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration, double startTime)
LabelTextAnimation(Edge attributable, List<StringTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration, double startTime, int noLoops)
LabelTextAnimation(Edge attributable, List<StringTimePoint> dataPoints, double loopDuration, double startTime, int noLoops, Looper looper)
Uses of Edge in org.vanted.plugins.layout.adaptagrams.edgerouting
Methods in org.vanted.plugins.layout.adaptagrams.edgerouting with parameters of type Edge Modifier and Type Method Description static org.adaptagrams.ConnRef
AdaptagramsRouting. defineConnRef(org.adaptagrams.Router router, View view, Edge edge, int routingType)
Defines a ConnRef for an edge.static org.adaptagrams.ConnRef
AdaptagramsRouting. defineConnRef(org.adaptagrams.Router router, View view, Edge edge, int srcConnDirFlag, int tgtConnDirFlag, int routingType)
Defines a ConnRef for an edge.static org.adaptagrams.ConnRef
AdaptagramsRouting. defineConnRef(org.adaptagrams.Router router, View view, Edge edge, int srcConnDirFlag, int tgtConnDirFlag, int routingType, org.adaptagrams.AvoidCheckpoints avoidCheckpoints)
Defines a ConnRef for an edge.static org.adaptagrams.ConnRef
AdaptagramsRouting. defineConnRef(org.adaptagrams.Router router, View view, Edge edge, int routingType, org.adaptagrams.AvoidCheckpoints avoidCheckpoints)
Defines a ConnRef for an edge. -
Uses of Edge in org.vanted.plugins.layout.multilevelframework
Methods in org.vanted.plugins.layout.multilevelframework that return Edge Modifier and Type Method Description Edge
MultilevelGraph. addEdge(Node source, Node target)
Adds an undirectedAdjListEdge
to the topmost level (i.e.
EdgeHelper.moveBends(Edge,double,double,HashMap<CoordinateAttribute, Vector2d>)