Uses of Interface
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Node
GraphHelperBio. addMapNode(Graph superGraph, KeggPathwayEntry kpe)
static Node
GraphHelper. addNodeToGraph(Graph graph, double posx, double posy, double frameThickness_3, double width_25, double height_25, Color frameColor_0_0_0_255, Color fillColor_0_100_250_100)
Adds a new node to a graph.Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Set<Set<Node>>
GraphHelper. getConnectedComponents(Collection<Node> nodes)
static Set<Node>
GraphHelper. getConnectedNodes(Node startNode)
gets the nodes which can be reached by the the specified nodesstatic ArrayList<Node>
GraphHelperBio. getEnzymeNodes(Graph g)
static Set<Node>
GraphHelper. getLeafNodes(Collection<Node> sourceNodes)
static Set<Node>
GraphHelper. getLeafNodes(Graph graph)
static ArrayList<Node>
GraphHelperBio. getMapLinkNodes(Graph g)
static List<Node>
GraphHelper. getSelectedNodes(EditorSession workSession)
static List<Node>
GraphHelper. getSelectedOrAllNodes()
static List<Node>
GraphHelper. getSelectedOrAllNodes(Selection selection, Graph graph)
Returns a list of the currently selected nodes.static List<Node>
GraphHelper. getSelectedOrAllNodes(EditorSession workSession)
static Collection<Node>
GraphHelper. getVisibleNodes(Collection<Node> elements)
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Edge
GraphHelperBio. addEdgeCopyIfNotExistant(Edge refEdge, Node a, Node b)
static Edge
GraphHelperBio. addEdgeIfNotExistant(Graph graph, Node nodeA, Node nodeB, boolean directed, CollectionAttribute graphicsAttributeForEdge)
static Double
GraphHelper. getClusteringCoefficientDirected(Node n)
static Double
GraphHelper. getClusteringCoefficientUndirected(Node n)
static Set<Node>
GraphHelper. getConnectedNodes(Node startNode)
gets the nodes which can be reached by the the specified nodesstatic void
GraphHelper. getConnectedNodes(Node startNode, boolean directed, Set<Node> result)
static Color
NodeTools. getLabelColor(Node node)
static Font
NodeTools. getLabelFont(Node node)
static String
NodeTools. getNodeComponentType(Node node)
static void
GraphHelper. selectGraphElement(Node n)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
GraphHelper. applyUndoableNodeAndBendPositionUpdate(HashMap<Node,Vector2d> nodes2newPositions, HashMap<CoordinateAttribute,Vector2d> bends2newPositions, String description)
static void
GraphHelper. applyUndoableNodePositionAndSizeUpdate(HashMap<Node,Vector2d> nodes2newPositions, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> nodes2newNodeSize, String description)
static void
GraphHelper. applyUndoableNodePositionUpdate(HashMap<Node,Vector2d> nodes2newPositions, String description)
static void
GraphHelper. applyUndoableNodeSizeUpdate(HashMap<Node,Vector2d> nodes2newNodeSize, String description)
static void
GraphHelperBio. connectNodesWithSameLabel(List<Node> nodes)
static void
GraphHelper. exchangePositions(List<Node> nodes, NodeSortCommand sortCommand, boolean sortConsiderCluster)
static Set<Set<Node>>
GraphHelper. getConnectedComponents(Collection<Node> nodes)
static Collection<Graph>
GraphHelper. getConnectedComponentsAsCopy(List<Node> nodes)
static void
GraphHelper. getConnectedNodes(Node startNode, boolean directed, Set<Node> result)
static Set<Node>
GraphHelper. getLeafNodes(Collection<Node> sourceNodes)
static Vector2d
NodeTools. getMaximumXY(Collection<Node> nodeList, double factorXY, double minx, double miny, boolean includeSizeInformation)
static Vector2d
NodeTools. getMaximumXY(Collection<Node> nodeList, double factorXY, double minx, double miny, boolean includeSizeInformation, boolean includeInvisibleNodes)
static Vector2d
NodeTools. getMinimumXY(Collection<Node> nodeList, double factorXY, double subx, double suby, boolean includeSizeInformation)
static Vector2d
NodeTools. getMinimumXY(Collection<Node> nodeList, double factorXY, double subx, double suby, boolean includeSizeInformation, boolean includeInvisibleNodes)
static void
GraphHelper. getShortestDistances(HashMap<Node,Integer> result, HashSet<Node> from, boolean directed, int currentDistance)
static void
GraphHelper. getShortestDistances(HashMap<Node,Integer> result, HashSet<Node> from, boolean directed, int currentDistance)
static Collection<NodeHelper>
GraphHelper. getSortedNodeHelpers(Collection<Node> nodes, NodeSortCommand sortCommand, boolean sortConsiderCluster)
static Collection<Node>
GraphHelper. getVisibleNodes(Collection<Node> elements)
static void
GraphHelperBio. mergeNodesWithSameLabel(List<Node> nodes, boolean selectOnlyTrueOrMergeIsFalse, boolean extendSelection, boolean considerCluster)
static void
GraphHelperBio. mergeNodesWithSameLabel(List<Node> nodes, boolean selectOnlyTrueOrMergeIsFalse, boolean extendSelection, boolean considerCluster, boolean considerPositionPlusMinus10, boolean retainClusterIDs)
static void
GraphHelper. moveNodes(Collection<Node> nodes, double deltaX, double deltaY)
Moves given nodes by the given delta coordinatesstatic void
GraphHelper. postUndoableNodeAndEdgeAdditions(Graph graph, HashSet<Node> newNodes, HashSet<Edge> newEdges, String description)
static void
GraphHelper. removeBendsBetweenSelectedNodes(Collection<Node> nodes, boolean enableUndo)
Deprecated.static void
GraphHelper. selectNodes(boolean clearBefore, Collection<Node> nodes)
static void
GraphHelper. selectNodes(Collection<Node> nodes)
static void
NodeTools. setCenter(List<Node> nodeList, Vector2d center)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.davidtest
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.davidtest that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static List<Node>
GrubbsTestAlgorithm. doGrubbsTest(List<Node> nodes, Graph g, double alpha, boolean removeOutliers)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.davidtest with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
ColorizeAlgorithm. colorizeNodes(List<Node> nodes, Color minC, Color maxC, double gamma, double min, double max, boolean useRatioCalculation)
static List<Node>
GrubbsTestAlgorithm. doGrubbsTest(List<Node> nodes, Graph g, double alpha, boolean removeOutliers)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.naive_pattern_finder
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.naive_pattern_finder that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node[]
UllmannSubraphIsomAdjMatrixState. getMatchingNodesOfPattern()
UllmannSubraphIsomAdjMatrixState. getMatchingNodesOfTarget()
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.naive_pattern_finder with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
PatternAttributeUtils. addAGNWContainer(Node n)
Adds the top level container attribute "AGNW" to the given node.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. addPattern(Node n, int position)
Adds the pattern container for the given pattern position at the given node.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. addPatternContainer(Node n)
Adds the pattern container attribute "AGNW.PATTERN" to the given node.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. addPatternInformation(Node n, int position, String patternName, Integer patternIndex, Integer nodeIndex, Node patternNode)
Adds a set of pattern information to the given node.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. checkAndAddAGNWContainer(Node n)
Adds the top level container attribute "AGNW" to the given node, if it is not already there.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. checkAndAddPattern(Node n, int position)
Adds the pattern container for the pattern position to the given node, if it is not already there.static void
PatternAttributeUtils. checkAndAddPatternContainer(Node n)
Adds the pattern container attribute "AGNW.PATTERN" to the given node, if it is not already there.static boolean
PatternAttributeUtils. checkExistenceAGNWContainer(Node n)
Checks, if the top level container attribute "AGNW" exists at the given node.static boolean
PatternAttributeUtils. checkExistenceOfAnyPattern(Node n)
Checks if a pattern exists at the given node.static boolean
PatternAttributeUtils. checkExistencePattern(Node n, int position)
Checks, if the pattern container for the pattern position exists at the given node.static boolean
PatternAttributeUtils. checkExistencePatternContainer(Node n)
Checks, if the pattern container attribute "AGNW.PATTERN" exists at the given node.static int
PatternAttributeUtils. findPatternPosition(Node n, String patternName, Integer patternIndex)
Returns the position of the given pattern name and pattern index for the given node.static Integer
PatternAttributeUtils. getInternalNodeIndex(Node n, int position)
Returns the internal node index for the given node and position.static int
PatternAttributeUtils. getMaxAddIncEdges(Node n)
Returns the maximal value for the additional incoming edges.static int
PatternAttributeUtils. getMaxAddOutEdges(Node n)
Returns the maximal value for the additional outgoing edges.static int
PatternAttributeUtils. getMaximumPatternPosition(Node n)
Returns the maximal position value of the pattern container.static int
PatternAttributeUtils. getMinAddIncEdges(Node n)
Returns the minimal value for the additional incoming edges.static int
PatternAttributeUtils. getMinAddOutEdges(Node n)
Returns the minimal value for the additional outgoing edges.static Integer
PatternAttributeUtils. getNodeIndex(Node n, int position)
Returns the node index for the given node and position.static Integer
PatternAttributeUtils. getPatternIndex(Node n, int position)
Returns the pattern index for the given node and position.static String
PatternAttributeUtils. getPatternName(Node n, int position)
Returns the pattern name for the given node and position.static void
UllmannSubraphIsomAdjMatrixState. printAdjacencyMatrix(Node[] nodes, byte[][] createAdjacencyMatrix)
PatternVistorLayouter. visitPattern(int numberOfNodesInMatch, Node[] matchInPattern, Node[] matchInTarget, String patternName, boolean allowOverlap)
SelectResultsVisitor. visitPattern(int numberOfNodesInMatch, Node[] matchInPattern, Node[] matchInTarget, String patternName, boolean allowOverlap)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.shortest_paths
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.shortest_paths that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
DistanceInfo. getNode()
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.shortest_paths that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<Node>
DistanceInfo. getSourceNodes()
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.shortest_paths with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<GraphElement>
AllPathsSelectionAlgorithm. getPathElements(Collection<Node> validNodes, Node sourceNode, Collection<Node> targetNodes, boolean includeInnerEdges, boolean directed, boolean includeEdges, int maxDistance)
DistanceInfo. updateSourceIfValid(Node workNode, double minDistanceCheck)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.shortest_paths with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<GraphElement>
AllPathsSelectionAlgorithm. getPathElements(Collection<Node> validNodes, Node sourceNode, Collection<Node> targetNodes, boolean includeInnerEdges, boolean directed, boolean includeEdges, int maxDistance)
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.algorithms.shortest_paths with parameters of type Node Constructor Description DistanceInfo(double distance, Node sourceNode, Node thisNode)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.databases.transpath
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.databases.transpath that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
TranspathMolecule. getGraphNode(Graph g, String clusterID, HashMap<String,Node> graphElementId2graphNode)
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.databases.transpath with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
TranspathMolecule. connectMoleculeNodes(Graph g, Node moleculeNode1, Node moleculeNode2)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.databases.transpath with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
TranspathPathway. addElementsToGraph(Graph g, String clusterID, HashMap<String,Node> graphElementId2graphNode)
TranspathReaction. addElementsToGraph(Graph g, String clusterID, HashMap<String,Node> graphElementId2graphNode)
TranspathMolecule. getGraphNode(Graph g, String clusterID, HashMap<String,Node> graphElementId2graphNode)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.compound_image
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.compound_image with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
CompoundImagePositionAttributeEditor. isCenteredFitPosition(Node n)
static boolean
CompoundImagePositionAttributeEditor. isCenteredPosition(Node n)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.kegg.kegg_type
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.kegg.kegg_type with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
KeggReactionIdAttributeEditor. editReactions(Reaction r, Pathway p, Collection<Gml2PathwayWarningInformation> warnings, Collection<Gml2PathwayErrorInformation> errors, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode, Graph graph)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.kegg.kegg_type.pathway_kegg_operation
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.kegg.kegg_type.pathway_kegg_operation with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
PathwayKeggLoading. collapsePathway(Graph graph, String curVal, Node sourceNode)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.kegg.kegg_type.reaction_gui
Constructor parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.kegg.kegg_type.reaction_gui with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description CompoundListEditor(Reaction currReaction, Pathway p, boolean sub, boolean enz, boolean prod, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.kegg.kegg_type.relation_gui
Constructor parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.editcomponents.kegg.kegg_type.relation_gui with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description SrcTargetEditor(String title, Relation initialRelation, List<Entry> entries, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode)
SubtypeCompoundEditor(String title, Relation initialRelation, List<Entry> entries, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Node
MergeNodes. mergeNode(Graph graph, Collection<Node> toBeMerged, Vector2d center, boolean retainClusterIDs)
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static SplitResult
SplitNodeForSingleMappingData. splitNodes(Node graphNode, int mMinimumDegree, Graph graph, boolean mProcessSelfLoops, boolean mRepositionOfNodes)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
CombineMappingData. mergeMultipleMappingsIntoSingleMapping(Collection<Node> workNodes)
static Node
MergeNodes. mergeNode(Graph graph, Collection<Node> toBeMerged, Vector2d center, boolean retainClusterIDs)
static void
MergeNodes. mergeNodesIntoSingleNode(Graph graph, Collection<Node> workNodes)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.database_processing.go
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.database_processing.go that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Node
InterpreteGOtermsAlgorithm. processGoHierarchy(PositionGridGenerator pgg, HashMap<String,Node> goTerm2goNode, GoProcessing gp, String goTerm, Graph g)
static Node
InterpreteParentGOtermsAlgorithm. processGoHierarchy(PositionGridGenerator pgg, HashMap<String,Node> goTerm2goNode, GoProcessing gp, String goTerm, Graph g)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.database_processing.go with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description JMenuItem[]
InterpreteParentGOtermsAlgorithm. getCurrentNodeContextMenuItem(Collection<Node> selectedNodes)
static Node
InterpreteGOtermsAlgorithm. processGoHierarchy(PositionGridGenerator pgg, HashMap<String,Node> goTerm2goNode, GoProcessing gp, String goTerm, Graph g)
static Node
InterpreteParentGOtermsAlgorithm. processGoHierarchy(PositionGridGenerator pgg, HashMap<String,Node> goTerm2goNode, GoProcessing gp, String goTerm, Graph g)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.database_processing.go_cluster_histogram
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.database_processing.go_cluster_histogram that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
MyEntry. getKey()
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.database_processing.go_cluster_histogram with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
CreateGOchildrenClustersHistogramAlgorithm. processUpstreamNodes(Node n, HashSet<Node> processedNodes)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.database_processing.go_cluster_histogram with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<String>
CreateGOchildrenClustersHistogramAlgorithm. getLeafNodesClusterIDs(HashSet<Node> processedNodes, NodeHelper nh)
CreateGOchildrenClustersHistogramAlgorithm. processUpstreamNodes(Node n, HashSet<Node> processedNodes)
static void
PruneTreeAlgorithm. pruneFromTheseNodes(HashSet<Node> significantNodes)
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.dbe.database_processing.go_cluster_histogram with parameters of type Node Constructor Description MyEntry(Node graphNode, int res)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<Node>
ContextMenuHelper. getActiveNodeSelection()
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper
Classes in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper that implement Node Modifier and Type Class Description class
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
NodeHelper. getGraphNode()
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<Node>
NodeHelper. getAllInNeighbors()
NodeHelper. getAllOutChildNodes()
NodeHelper. getAllOutNeighbors()
NodeHelper. getInNeighbors()
NodeHelper. getInNeighborsIterator()
NodeHelper. getNeighbors()
NodeHelper. getNeighborsIterator()
NodeHelper. getOutNeighbors()
NodeHelper. getOutNeighborsIterator()
NodeHelper. getUndirectedNeighbors()
NodeHelper. getUndirectedNeighborsIterator()
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static List<NodeHelper>
NodeHelper. getNodeHelperList(Collection<Node> nodes)
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.editing_tools.script_helper with parameters of type Node Constructor Description NodeHelper(Node workNode)
NodeHelper(Node n, boolean isLastNode)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.ipk_graffitiview
Fields in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.ipk_graffitiview with type parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Field Description HashMap<Node,String>
ClusterBackgroundDraw. node2cluster
ClusterBackgroundDraw. node2position
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.ipk_graffitiview with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static String
IPKnodeComponent. getTooltipForNode(Node n, boolean includeClickHelp)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.helper_classes
Fields in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.helper_classes declared as Node Modifier and Type Field Description Node
IdAndGraphNode. graphNode
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.helper_classes with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
Experiment2GraphHelper. addMappingData2Node(SubstanceInterface xmlSubstanceNode, Node graphNode)
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.helper_classes with parameters of type Node Constructor Description IdAndGraphNode(String id2, Node graphNode)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.kegg
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.kegg with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static String
KeggHelper. getKeggId(Node n)
static boolean
KeggHelper. isEnzymeNode(Node n)
static boolean
KeggHelper. isMapNode(Node n)
static boolean
KeggHelper. isMapTitleNode(Node n)
static void
KeggService. loadPathway(KeggPathwayEntry myEntry, Graph targetGraph, Node initialMapNode, boolean processLabels)
static void
KeggService. loadPathway(KeggPathwayEntry myEntry, Graph targetGraph, Node initialMapNode, boolean askForNewWindow, boolean separateClusters)
Constructor parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.kegg with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description ReactionLabel(Reaction r, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode, Pathway p, Collection<Gml2PathwayWarningInformation> warnings, Collection<Gml2PathwayErrorInformation> errors, Graph graph)
RelationLabel(Relation r, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode, Pathway pathway, Collection<Gml2PathwayWarningInformation> warnings, Collection<Gml2PathwayErrorInformation> errors, Graph graph)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.kegg.special
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.kegg.special with parameters of type Node Constructor Description EnzymeStatisticInformation(Node n)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.statistics
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.statistics that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static List<Node>
TabStatistics. doDavidSchnellTest(List<Node> nodes, Graph g, int probab_123)
Returns all nodes which contain samples which are not normaly distributed.Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.statistics with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static List<Node>
TabStatistics. doDavidSchnellTest(List<Node> nodes, Graph g, int probab_123)
Returns all nodes which contain samples which are not normaly distributed.Constructor parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.layout_control.statistics with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description MyCorrlationFinder(Collection<Node> nodes, Graph graph, EditorSession session, boolean considerTimeShifts, boolean mergeDataset, boolean colorCodeEdgesWithCorrelationValue, double minimumR, int currGammaValue, Color colR_1, Color colR0, Color colR1, Collection<Edge> correlationEdges, double prob, boolean plotAverage, boolean rankOrder, boolean showStatusResult, boolean dontAddNewEdgesOnlyUpdateExisting)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.biopax.lvl3interactions
Constructor parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.biopax.lvl3interactions with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description BPBiochemicalReaction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPCatalysis(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPComplexAssembly(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPControl(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPConversion(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPDegradation(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPGeneticInteraction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPInteraction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPModulation(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPMolecularInteraction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPTemplateReaction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPTemplateReactionRegulation(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPTransport(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
BPTransportWithBiochemicalReaction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Entity,Node> Nodes)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.biopax.lvl3utility
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.biopax.lvl3utility with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
StoichiometryWriter. writeParticipantStoichiometry(Node physicalEntityNode, Node reactionNode, Edge e, Set<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level3.Stoichiometry> Stoichiometry)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.metatool
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.metatool with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static String
MetatoolWriter. getNodeLabel(Node nd)
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.metatool with parameters of type Node Constructor Description SBMLReaction(Node enzyme)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.sbml
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.exporters.sbml with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
SBML_SBase_Writer. addSBaseAttributes(org.sbml.jsbml.AbstractSBase sbase, Node node)
Method adds all sBase attributes to an object of a modelObject
SBML_SBase_Writer. getAttribute(Node n, String headline, String attributeName)
Shortens the statement for getting the value of an attributeArrayList<String>
SBML_SBase_Writer. headlineHelper(Node n, String pattern)
Method returns all headlines in the node tab which begin with a certain pattern -
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.biopax.lvl2interactions
Constructor parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.biopax.lvl2interactions with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description BPbiochemicalReaction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPcatalysis(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPcomplexAssembly(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPcontrol(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPconversion(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPinteraction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPmodulation(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPphysicalInteraction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPtransport(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
BPtransportWithBiochemicalReaction(Graph Graph, Hashtable<String,Node> Nodes)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.biopax.lvl2utility
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.biopax.lvl2utility with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
StoichiometryWriter. writeParticipantStoichiometry(Node node, Node center, Edge e, Set<org.biopax.paxtools.model.level2.physicalEntityParticipant> set)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.kgml
Fields in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.kgml declared as Node Modifier and Type Field Description Node
NodePair. a
NodePair. b
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.kgml with parameters of type Node Constructor Description NodePair(Node a, Node b)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.sbml
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.importers.sbml with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
SBML_SBase_Reader. addNotes(org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode notesObject, String notesString, Node node, String path, String notesName)
This method adds notes to the current object in the node tabvoid
SBML_SBase_Reader. setAttributes(Node node, Color color, String label, Point2D point, int size_multiplier)
Method helps to set Attributes Creates nodes with 20, 20 height/width -
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
Entry. addGraphNode(Graph graph)
NodeCombination. getNodeA()
NodeCombination. getNodeB()
Entry. getSourceGraphNode()
In case this entry has been created from a Graph node, the souce graph node may be retrieved with this function.Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Set<Node>
KeggGmlHelper. getNodesInsideThisNode(Node bigNode, Collection<Node> nodes, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> node2upperLeftPos, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> node2lowerRightPos)
Find those nodes, which are located inside the "bigNode".Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<Entry>
Reaction. getDistanceSubset(Collection<Entry> substratesOrProducts, Node b, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode)
static Graphics
Graphics. getGraphicsFromGraphNode(Node graphNode, Collection<Gml2PathwayWarningInformation> warnings, Collection<Gml2PathwayErrorInformation> errors)
static boolean
KeggGmlHelper. getIsPartOfGroup(Node n)
static Color
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggGraphicsBgColor(Node n)
static Color
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggGraphicsFgColor(Node n)
static int
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggGraphicsHeight(Node n)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggGraphicsTitle(Node n)
static kgmlGraphicsType
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggGraphicsType(Node n)
static int
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggGraphicsWidth(Node n)
static int
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggGraphicsX(Node n)
static int
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggGraphicsY(Node n)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggId(Node n)
static ArrayList<IndexAndString>
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggIds(Node n)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggImageUrl(Node n)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggLinkUrl(Node n)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggLinkUrl(Node n, int index)
static ArrayList<IndexAndString>
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggReactions(Node n)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggType(Node n)
static String
KeggGmlHelper. getKeggType(Node n, int index)
static Set<Node>
KeggGmlHelper. getNodesInsideThisNode(Node bigNode, Collection<Node> nodes, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> node2upperLeftPos, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> node2lowerRightPos)
Find those nodes, which are located inside the "bigNode".static void
Graphics. processDefaultNodeDesign(Node n, Entry entry)
Graphics. processNodeDesign(Node n, boolean hasComponents)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setIsPartOfGroup(Node n, boolean value)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsBgColor(Node n, Color bgcolor)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsFgColor(Node n, Color fgcolor)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsHeight(Node n, int height)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsTitle(Node n, String name)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsType(Node n, kgmlGraphicsType type)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsWidth(Node n, int width)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsX(Node n, int xPosition)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggGraphicsY(Node n, int yPosition)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggId(Node n, String id)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggId(Node n, String id, int index)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggLinkUrl(Node n, int index, String linkURL)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggLinkUrl(Node n, String linkURL)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggReaction(Node n, int index, String id)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggType(Node n, int index, String type)
static void
KeggGmlHelper. setKeggType(Node n, String type)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<NodeCombination>
Reaction. getDesiredNodeCombinations(HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode, Collection<Entry> entryElements, Collection<Relation> relationElements, Collection<NodeCombination> relationNodeCombinations)
Relation. getDesiredNodeCombinations(HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode, Collection<Entry> entries)
static Collection<Entry>
Reaction. getDistanceSubset(Collection<Entry> substratesOrProducts, Node b, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode)
static Collection<Entry>
Entry. getEntryElementsFromGraphNodes(de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml.KgmlIdGenerator idGenerator, List<Node> nodes, Collection<Gml2PathwayWarningInformation> warnings, Collection<Gml2PathwayErrorInformation> errors, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode)
static Collection<Entry>
Entry. getEntryElementsFromGraphNodes(de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml.KgmlIdGenerator idGenerator, List<Node> nodes, Collection<Gml2PathwayWarningInformation> warnings, Collection<Gml2PathwayErrorInformation> errors, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode)
static Set<Node>
KeggGmlHelper. getNodesInsideThisNode(Node bigNode, Collection<Node> nodes, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> node2upperLeftPos, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> node2lowerRightPos)
Find those nodes, which are located inside the "bigNode".static Set<Node>
KeggGmlHelper. getNodesInsideThisNode(Node bigNode, Collection<Node> nodes, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> node2upperLeftPos, HashMap<Node,Vector2d> node2lowerRightPos)
Find those nodes, which are located inside the "bigNode".static Pathway
Pathway. getPathwayFromGraph(Graph graph, Collection<Gml2PathwayWarningInformation> warnings, Collection<Gml2PathwayErrorInformation> errors, HashMap<Entry,Node> entry2graphNode)
static Collection<Reaction>
Reaction. getReactionElementsFromGraphNodes(Collection<Entry> entries, List<Node> graphNodes, Collection<Gml2PathwayWarningInformation> warnings, Collection<Gml2PathwayErrorInformation> errors)
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.kgml with parameters of type Node Constructor Description NodeCombination(Node a, Node b, boolean isProductRequest, boolean isSubstrateRequest, ReactionType reactionType)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml
Fields in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml with type parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Field Description static Map<String,Node>
SBMLSpeciesHelper. speciesMap
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Node
SBMLHelper. createReaction(Graph g, String id, String name)
static Node
SBMLHelper. createReaction(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.Reaction reaction)
static Node
SBMLHelper. createSpecies(Graph g, String id, String name)
Creates a new species node and sets its idstatic Node
SBMLHelper. createSpecies(Graph g, org.sbml.jsbml.Species species)
static Node
SBMLHelper. getReactionNode(Graph g, String id)
Returns the reaction node with a distinct idNode
SBMLReactionHelper. getReactionNode(String layoutId, String reactionId)
static Node
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesNode(Graph g, String id)
Returns the species node with a distinct idstatic Node
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getSpeciesNode(String id)
Returns the species with a distinct idNode
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getSpeciesNode(String layoutId, String speciesId)
static Node
SBMLHelper. initReactionNode(Node n)
static Node
SBMLHelper. initSpeciesNode(Node n)
This method converts a node into a species nodeMethods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description Map<String,List<Node>>
SBMLReactionHelper. getReactionClones()
static List<Node>
SBMLHelper. getReactionNodes(Graph g)
Returns all reaction nodes of the graphstatic List<Node>
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesNodes(Graph g)
Returns all species nodes of the graphList<Node>
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getSpeciesNodes()
Returns all species nodes of the graphMap<String,List<Node>>
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getSpeicesClones()
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
SBMLSpeciesHelper. addCloneToList(String speciesId, Node speciesNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. addKineticLaw(Node reactionNode, String function)
static void
SBMLHelper. addKineticLaw(Node reactionNode, org.sbml.jsbml.KineticLaw kineticLaw)
static void
SBMLHelper. addLocalParameter(Node node, String id)
static void
SBMLHelper. addLocalParameter(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.LocalParameter lp)
static void
SBMLHelper. addLocalParameterName(Node node, String lpID, String name)
static void
SBMLHelper. addLocalParameterUnits(Node node, String lpID, String units)
static void
SBMLHelper. addLocalParameterValue(Node node, String lpID, Double value)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addModifier(Node node, String speciesID)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addModifier(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.ModifierSpeciesReference ref)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addProduct(Node node, String speciesID)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addProduct(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.SpeciesReference ref)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addReactant(Node node, String speciesID)
static Edge
SBMLHelper. addReactant(Node node, org.sbml.jsbml.SpeciesReference ref)
SBMLReactionHelper. addReactionCloneToList(String reactionId, Node reactionNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesBoundaryConsition(Node speciesNode, Boolean boundaryCondition)
Sets the attribute boundary condition of a species nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesCompartment(Node speciesNode, String compartment)
Sets the compartment of a nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesConstant(Node speciesNode, Boolean constant)
Sets the attribute constant of a species nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesConversionFactor(Node speciesNode, String conversionFactor)
Sets the attribute conversion factor of a species nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode, Boolean hasOnlySubstanceUnits)
Sets the attribute hasOnlySubstanceUnits of a species nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesID(Node speciesNode, String id)
Sets the id of a species nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesInitialAmount(Node speciesNode, Double initialAmount)
Sets the initial amount of a nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesInitialConcentration(Node speciesNode, Double initialConcentration)
Sets the initial concentration of a nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesName(Node speciesNode, String name)
static void
SBMLHelper. addSpeciesSubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode, String substanceUnits)
Sets the substance units of a species nodevoid
KineticLawHelper. deleteAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. deleteAnnotation(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteAnnotation(Node reactinNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. deleteAnnotation(Node speciesNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteKineticLawFunction(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteLocalParameter(Node node, String lpID)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteLocalParameterID(Node node, String lpID)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteLocalParameterName(Node node, String lpID)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteLocalParameterUnits(Node node, String lpID)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteLocalParameterValue(Node node, String lpID)
KineticLawHelper. deleteMetaID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. deleteMetaID(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteMetaID(Node reactinNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. deleteMetaID(Node speciesNode)
KineticLawHelper. deleteNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. deleteNonRDFAnnotation(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactinNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. deleteNonRDFAnnotation(Node speciesNode)
KineticLawHelper. deleteNotes(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. deleteNotes(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteNotes(Node reactinNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. deleteNotes(Node speciesNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactionCompartment(Node reactionNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactionFast(Node reactionNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactionID(Node reactionNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactionName(Node reactionNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteReactionReversible(Node reactionNode)
KineticLawHelper. deleteSBOTerm(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. deleteSBOTerm(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. deleteSBOTerm(Node reactinNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. deleteSBOTerm(Node speciesNode)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpecies(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesBoundaryCondition(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesCompartment(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesConstant(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesConversionFactor(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesID(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesInitialAmount(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesInitialConcentration(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesName(Node node)
static void
SBMLHelper. deleteSpeciesSubstanceUnits(Node node)
KineticLawHelper. getAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. getAnnotation(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. getAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getAnnotation(Node speciesNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getBoundaryCondition(Node speciesNode)
Returns the boolean value boundaryCondition of the speciesString
SBMLReactionHelper. getCompartment(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getCompartment(Node speciesNode)
Returns the compartment id of a speciesString
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getCompartmentName(Node speciesNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getConstant(Node speciesNode)
Returns the boolean value constant of the speciesString
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getConversionFactor(Node speciesNode)
Returns the conversion factor units of a speciesBoolean
SBMLReactionHelper. getFast(Node reactionNode)
KineticLawHelper. getFunction(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getHasOnlySubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode)
Returns the boolean value hasOnlySubstanceUnits of the speciesString
SBMLLocalParameter. getID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. getID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getID(Node speciesNode)
Returns the id of the speciesDouble
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getInitialAmount(Node speciesNode)
Returns the initial amount of a speciesDouble
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getInitialConcentration(Node speciesNode)
Returns the initial concentration of a speciesstatic String
SBMLHelper. getKineticLawFunction(Node reactionNode)
Returns the function of a kinetic lawstatic String
SBMLHelper. getLocalParameterID(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
Returns the value of the attribute idstatic String
SBMLHelper. getLocalParameterName(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
Returns the value of the attribute namestatic String
SBMLHelper. getLocalParameterUnits(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
Returns the value of the attribute unitsstatic Double
SBMLHelper. getLocalParameterValue(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
Returns the value of the attribute valueString
KineticLawHelper. getMetaID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. getMetaID(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. getMetaID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getMetaID(Node speciesNode)
static List<Edge>
SBMLHelper. getModifier(Node node)
Returns the modifier edgesString
SBMLLocalParameter. getName(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. getName(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getName(Node speciesNode)
Returns the name of the speciesorg.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode
KineticLawHelper. getNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. getNonRDFAnnotation(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. getNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getNonRDFAnnotation(Node speciesNode)
KineticLawHelper. getNotes(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. getNotes(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. getNotes(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getNotes(Node speciesNode)
static List<Edge>
SBMLHelper. getProducts(Node node)
The edges with the simple species references will be returnedstatic List<Edge>
SBMLHelper. getReactants(Node node)
The edges with the simple species references will be returnedstatic org.sbml.jsbml.Reaction
SBMLHelper. getReaction(Node node)
Returns a JSBML Reaction object belonging to a reaction nodestatic String
SBMLHelper. getReactionCompartment(Node reactionNode)
Returns the compartment of a reactionstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. getReactionFast(Node reactionNode)
Returns the attribute fast of a reactionstatic String
SBMLHelper. getReactionID(Node reactionNode)
Returns the id of a reactionstatic String
SBMLHelper. getReactionName(Node reactionNode)
Returns the name of a reactionstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. getReactionReversible(Node reactionNode)
Returns the attribute reversible of a reactionBoolean
SBMLReactionHelper. getReversible(Node reactionNode)
KineticLawHelper. getSBOTerm(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. getSBOTerm(Node node)
SBMLReactionHelper. getSBOTerm(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getSBOTerm(Node speciesNode)
static org.sbml.jsbml.Species
SBMLHelper. getSpecies(Node node)
Returns a JSBML Species object belonging to a species nodestatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesBoundaryCondition(Node speciesNode)
Returns the boolean value boundaryCondition of the speciesstatic String
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesCompartment(Node speciesNode)
Returns the compartment id of a speciesstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesConstant(Node speciesNode)
Returns the boolean value constant of the speciesstatic String
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesConversionFactor(Node speciesNode)
Returns the conversion factor units of a speciesstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode)
Returns the boolean value hasOnlySubstanceUnits of the speciesstatic String
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesID(Node speciesNode)
Returns the id of the speciesstatic Double
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesInitialAmount(Node speciesNode)
Returns the initial amount of a speciesstatic Double
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesInitialConcentration(Node speciesNode)
Returns the initial concentration of a speciesstatic String
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesName(Node speciesNode)
Returns the name of the speciesstatic String
SBMLHelper. getSpeciesSubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode)
Returns the substance units of a speciesString
SBMLSpeciesHelper. getSubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode)
Returns the substance units of a speciesString
SBMLLocalParameter. getUnits(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. getValue(Node reactionNode)
static Node
SBMLHelper. initReactionNode(Node n)
static Node
SBMLHelper. initSpeciesNode(Node n)
This method converts a node into a species nodestatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isKineticLawFunction(Node reactionNode)
Indicates if the function of a kinetic law is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isLocalParameterID(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
Indicates if the attribute id is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isLocalParameterName(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
Indicates if the attribute name is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isLocalParameterUnits(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
Indicates if the attribute units is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isLocalParameterValue(Node reactionNode, int localParameterCount)
Indicates if the attribute value is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionCompartment(Node reactionNode)
Indicates if compartment of a reaction is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionFast(Node reactionNode)
Indicates if fast of a reaction is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionID(Node reactionNode)
Indicates if id of a reaction is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionName(Node reactionNode)
Indicates if name of a reaction is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isReactionReversible(Node reactionNode)
Indicates if reversible of a reaction is setBoolean
KineticLawHelper. isSetAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetAnnotation(Node speciesNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetBoundaryCondition(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if boundary condition of a species is setBoolean
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetCompartment(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetCompartment(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the compartment id of a species is setBoolean
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetConstant(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if constant of a species is setBoolean
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetConversionFactor(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if conversion factor of a species is setBoolean
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetFast(Node reactionNode)
KineticLawHelper. isSetFunction(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetHasOnlySubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if hasOnlySubstanceUnits of a species is setBoolean
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetID(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the id of a species is setBoolean
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetInitialAmount(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the initial amount of a species is setBoolean
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetInitialConcentration(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the initial concentration of a species is setstatic boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetLayoutID(Graph g, Node node)
static boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetLocalParameterName(Node node, String lpID)
static boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetLocalParameterUnits(Node node, String lpID)
static boolean
SBMLHelper. isSetLocalParameterValue(Node node, String lpID)
KineticLawHelper. isSetMetaID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetMetaID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetMetaID(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetMetaID(Node speciesNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetName(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetName(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetName(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the name of a species is setBoolean
KineticLawHelper. isSetNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetNonRDFAnnotation(Node speciesNode)
KineticLawHelper. isSetNotes(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetNotes(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetNotes(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetNotes(Node speciesNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetReversible(Node reactionNode)
KineticLawHelper. isSetSBOTerm(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetSBOTerm(Node reactionNode)
SBMLReactionHelper. isSetSBOTerm(Node reactionNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetSBOTerm(Node speciesNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. isSetSubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if substance units of a species is setBoolean
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetUnits(Node reactionNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. isSetValue(Node reactionNode)
static Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesBoundaryCondition(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if boundary condition of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesCompartment(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the compartment id of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesConstant(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if constant of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesConversionFactor(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if conversion factor of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesHasOnlySubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if hasOnlySubstanceUnits of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesID(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the id of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesInitialAmount(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the initial amount of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesInitialConcentration(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the initial concentration of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesName(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if the name of a species is setstatic Boolean
SBMLHelper. isSpeciesSubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode)
Indicates if substance units of a species is setstatic int
SBMLHelper. localParameterCount(Node node)
Returns the number of local parametervoid
KineticLawHelper. setAnnotation(Node reactionNode, org.sbml.jsbml.Annotation annotation)
SBMLLocalParameter. setAnnotation(Node reactionNode, org.sbml.jsbml.Annotation annotation)
SBMLReactionHelper. setAnnotation(Node reactionNode, org.sbml.jsbml.Annotation annotation)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setAnnotation(Node speciesNode, org.sbml.jsbml.Annotation annotation)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setBoundaryConsition(Node speciesNode, Boolean boundaryCondition)
Sets the attribute boundary condition of a species nodevoid
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setCharge(Node speciesNode, Integer charge)
Sets the deprecated attribute charge of a species nodevoid
SBMLReactionHelper. setCompartment(Node reactionNode, String compartment)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setCompartment(Node speciesNode, String compartment)
Sets the compartment of a nodevoid
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setCompartmentName(Node speciesNode)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setConstant(Node speciesNode, Boolean constant)
Sets the attribute constant of a species nodevoid
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setConversionFactor(Node speciesNode, String conversionFactor)
Sets the attribute conversion factor of a species nodevoid
SBMLReactionHelper. setFast(Node reactionNode, Boolean fast)
KineticLawHelper. setFunction(Node reactionNode, String function)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setHasOnlySubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode, Boolean hasOnlySubstanceUnits)
Sets the attribute hasOnlySubstanceUnits of a species nodevoid
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setHiddenLabel(Node speciesNode, String id)
Sets the hidden label of a species nodevoid
SBMLLocalParameter. setID(Node reactionNode, String ID)
SBMLReactionHelper. setID(Node reactionNode, String ID)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setID(Node speciesNode, String id)
Sets the id of a species nodevoid
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setInitialAmount(Node speciesNode, Double initialAmount)
Sets the initial amount of a nodevoid
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setInitialConcentration(Node speciesNode, Double initialConcentration)
Sets the initial concentration of a nodevoid
SBMLReactionHelper. setLabel(Node reactionNode, String name, String id, PositionGridGenerator pgg)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setLabel(Node speciesNode, String name, String id, PositionGridGenerator pgg)
Sets the label of a node.void
KineticLawHelper. setMetaId(Node reactionNode, String metaID)
SBMLLocalParameter. setMetaID(Node reactionNode, String metaID)
SBMLReactionHelper. setMetaID(Node reactionNode, String metaID)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setMetaID(Node speciesNode, String metaID)
Sets the attribute meta id of a species nodevoid
SBMLLocalParameter. setName(Node reactionNode, String name)
KineticLawHelper. setNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode xmlNode)
SBMLLocalParameter. setNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode nonRDFAnnotation)
SBMLReactionHelper. setNonRDFAnnotation(Node reactionNode, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode nonRDFAnnotation)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setNonRDFAnnotation(Node speciesNode, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode xmlNode)
KineticLawHelper. setNotes(Node reactionNode, String notes, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode notesObj)
SBMLLocalParameter. setNotes(Node reactionNode, String notes, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode notesObj)
SBMLReactionHelper. setNotes(Node reactionNode, String notes, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode notesObj)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setNotes(Node speciesNode, String notes, org.sbml.jsbml.xml.XMLNode notesObj)
Sets the attribute notes of a species nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. setReactionCompartment(Node reactionNode, String compartment)
Sets the compartment of a nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. setReactionFast(Node reactionNode, Boolean fast)
Sets the attribute fast of a nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. setReactionID(Node reactionNode, String ID)
Sets the attribute id of a nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. setReactionLabel(Node reactionNode, String name, String id, PositionGridGenerator pgg)
Sets the attribute name of a nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. setReactionName(Node reactionNode, String name)
static void
SBMLHelper. setReactionReversible(Node reactionNode, Boolean reversible)
Sets the attribute reversible of a nodevoid
SBMLReactionHelper. setReversible(Node reactionNode, Boolean reversible)
KineticLawHelper. setSBOTerm(Node reactionNode, String sboTerm)
SBMLLocalParameter. setSBOTerm(Node reactionNode, String sboTerm)
SBMLReactionHelper. setSBOTerm(Node reactionNode, String sboTerm)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setSBOTerm(Node speciesNode, String sboTerm)
Sets the attribute sboTerm of a species nodestatic void
SBMLHelper. setSpeciesAttributes(Node sbmlNode, String niceID, Object value)
SBMLSpeciesHelper. setSubstanceUnits(Node speciesNode, String substanceUnits)
Sets the substance units of a species nodevoid
SBMLLocalParameter. setUnits(Node reactionNode, String units)
SBMLLocalParameter. setValue(Node reactionNode, Double value)
Constructor parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.ios.sbml with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description KineticLawHelper(Graph g, Map<String,List<Node>> reactionClones)
Constructor. -
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.apply_from_graph
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.apply_from_graph that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static ArrayList<Node>
ApplyGraphLayout. applyLayoutFromGraphToGraph(Selection s, Graph g, Graph layoutedGraph, String commandName, boolean considerEdgeLayout)
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.apply_from_graph with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static int
ApplyGraphLayout. calcNodeDifferenceDistance(Node n, Node layoutedNode)
Uses of Node in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<Node>
CircleLayouterAlgorithm. createCircleOrder(Collection<Node> nodes)
Creates an ordered list of a given list of nodes for creation of circular layouts, without the disruption of the order of nodes.Methods in with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static double
CircleLayouterAlgorithm. energyOfNode(Node node, double newX, double newY)
static double
CircleLayouterAlgorithm. getDistance(double x, double y, Node b)
Method parameters in with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Collection<Node>
CircleLayouterAlgorithm. createCircleOrder(Collection<Node> nodes)
Creates an ordered list of a given list of nodes for creation of circular layouts, without the disruption of the order of nodes.void
CircleLayouterAlgorithm. layoutOnCircles(Collection<Node> workNodes, double defaultRadius, String operationname)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.expand_reduce_space
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.expand_reduce_space with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
ExpandReduceLayouterAlgorithm. doOperation(Collection<Node> selectedNodes, double factorX, double factorY, String description)
ExpandReduceLayouterAlgorithm. getCurrentNodeContextMenuItem(Collection<Node> selectedNodes)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.fish_eye
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.fish_eye with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
FishEyeLayout. rootedTree(Node rootNode)
Check whether the tree is rooted. -
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.grid
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.grid with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
GridLayouterAlgorithm. layoutOnGrid(Collection<Node> workNodes, double widthHeightRatio, double xDistance, double yDistance)
static void
GridLayouterAlgorithm. layoutOnGrid(Collection<Node> workNodes, double widthHeightRatio, double xDistance, double yDistance, int nodesOnLine, Point location)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.pattern_springembedder
Fields in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.pattern_springembedder declared as Node Modifier and Type Field Description Node
NodeCacheEntry. node
Reference to the node in the graph.Node
NodeCacheEntry3d. node
Reference to the node in the graph.Node
NodeCacheEntry. patternNode
Reference to a node in the pattern graph.Node
NodeCacheEntry3d. patternNode
Reference to a node in the pattern graph.Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.pattern_springembedder with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static String
MyTools. getLabelFromNode(Node n)
static double
MyTools. getX(Node a)
For geting the x position of a node through attribute access,static double
MyTools. getY(Node a)
For geting the y position of a node through attribute access,static void
MyTools. setXY(Node a, double x, double y)
static void
MyTools. setXYZ(Node a, double x, double y, double z)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.pattern_springembedder with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
MyTools. initNodeCache(ArrayList<NodeCacheEntry> nodeArray, HashMap<Node,NodeCacheEntry> nodeSearch, Graph graph, Selection selection, ArrayList<Graph> patternGraphs)
As the attribute access is very slow, this method initializes the NodeCacheEntry structures.static void
MyTools. initNodeCache3d(ArrayList<NodeCacheEntry3d> nodeArray, HashMap<Node,NodeCacheEntry3d> nodeSearch, Graph graph, Selection selection)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.pattern_springembedder_no_cache
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.pattern_springembedder_no_cache with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static String
MyTools. getLabelFromNode(Node n)
static void
MyTools. getPosition(Node a, Vector2d result)
static double
MyTools. getX(Node a)
For geting the x position of a node through attribute access,static double
MyTools. getY(Node a)
For geting the y position of a node through attribute access,static void
MyTools. setXY(Node a, double x, double y)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.pattern_springembedder_no_cache with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
MyTools. initNodeCache(ArrayList<NodeCacheEntry> nodeArray, HashMap<Node,NodeCacheEntry> nodeSearch, Graph graph)
As the attribute access is very slow, this method initializes the NodeCacheEntry structures. -
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.radial_tree
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.radial_tree with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
RadialTreeLayout. rootedTree(Node rootNode)
Check whether the tree is rooted. -
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.resize_and_grid_layout
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.resize_and_grid_layout with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
GridLayoutAlgorithm. layoutOnGrid(Collection<Node> workNodes, double widthHeightRatio, double xDistance, double yDistance)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.rt_tree
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.rt_tree that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description HashMap<Node,Integer>
TreeContainer. getBfsNum()
TreeContainer. getBfsNumUpsideDown()
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.rt_tree with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
RTTreeLayout. rootedTree(Node rootNode)
Check whether the tree is rooted.Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.rt_tree with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
TreeContainer. setBfsNum(HashMap<Node,Integer> map)
Constructor parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.rt_tree with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description TreeContainer(HashMap<Node,Integer> bfsNum, HashMap<Integer,Double> maxNodeHeight)
TreeContainer(HashMap<Node,Integer> bfsNum, HashMap<Integer,Double> maxNodeHeight, HashSet<Edge> edges)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.tree_simple
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.layouters.tree_simple with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
GraphTreeLayout. computeAppropriateDepth(Node startNode)
Initialize the appropriate level of each nodeboolean
GraphTreeLayout. rootedTree(Node rootNode)
Check whether the tree is rooted. -
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.graph_cleanup
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.graph_cleanup with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description JMenuItem[]
NumberNodesAndEdgesAlgorithm. getCurrentNodeContextMenuItem(Collection<Node> selectedNodes)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.hierarchy
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.hierarchy with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description JMenuItem[]
HideOrShowChildNodes. getCurrentNodeContextMenuItem(Collection<Node> selectedNodes)
HierarchyAlgorithm. getCurrentNodeContextMenuItem(Collection<Node> selectedNodes)
SelectLeafNodesAlgorithm. getCurrentNodeContextMenuItem(Collection<Node> selectedNodes)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.invert_selection
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.invert_selection with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static ArrayList<String>
SearchDialog. getAlternativePaths(Node nd, String path)
Method parameters in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.invert_selection with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static int
RemoveSelectedNodesPreserveEdgesAlgorithm. removeNodesPreserveEdges(ArrayList<Node> workNodes, Graph graph, boolean ignoreDirection, boolean layoutParallelEdges, BackgroundTaskStatusProviderSupportingExternalCall optStatus)
Uses of Node in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.pathway_references
Fields in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.pathway_references declared as Node Modifier and Type Field Description Node
TargetYandNewNodeResult. linkNode
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.pathway_references that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Node
PathwayReferenceAutoCreationAlgorithm. addMapLinkNode(String fileName, Graph graph, Node initNode, ActionEvent ae, boolean searchExistingMapLinkNode, boolean searchAndLinkSimilarNodes, boolean searchAndLinkSameTarget)
Methods in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.pathway_references with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static Node
PathwayReferenceAutoCreationAlgorithm. addMapLinkNode(String fileName, Graph graph, Node initNode, ActionEvent ae, boolean searchExistingMapLinkNode, boolean searchAndLinkSimilarNodes, boolean searchAndLinkSameTarget)
Constructors in de.ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.misc.pathway_references with parameters of type Node Constructor Description TargetYandNewNodeResult(double targetY, Node linkNode)
Uses of Node in
Method parameters in with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
AlgorithmServices. doCircularEdgeCrossingsMinimization(Object referenceObject, ArrayList<Node> nodes, Runnable threadUnsafePostTask)
static int
AlgorithmServices. getNumberOfCircularEdgeCrossings(Collection<Node> nodes)
Uses of Node in org
Methods in org with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static double
AttributeHelper. getDepth(Node node, double defaultReturn, boolean setDefault)
static double
AttributeHelper. getHeight(Node myNode)
static NodeLabelAttribute
AttributeHelper. getLabel(int index, Node node)
Get NodeLabelAttribute (if available)static AlignmentSetting
AttributeHelper. getLabelAlignment(int index, Node node)
static Color
AttributeHelper. getLabelColor(Node n)
static Rectangle2D.Double
AttributeHelper. getNodeRectangle(Node node)
static Rectangle
AttributeHelper. getNodeRectangleAWT(Node node)
static Point2D
AttributeHelper. getPosition(Node a)
Returns the position of a nodestatic Vector2d
AttributeHelper. getPositionVec2d(Node a)
Returns the position of a nodestatic Vector2df
AttributeHelper. getPositionVec2df(Node a)
Returns the position of a nodestatic Vector3d
AttributeHelper. getPositionVec3d(Node node, boolean setDefault)
If setDefault is true, values will be initilized, saved and returned as 0.static Vector3d
AttributeHelper. getPositionVec3d(Node node, double zReturnIfNotAvailable, boolean setDefaultZ)
static double
AttributeHelper. getPositionX(Node a)
For getting the x position of a node through attribute access,static double
AttributeHelper. getPositionY(Node a)
For geting the y position of a node through attribute access,static double
AttributeHelper. getPositionZ(Node node, boolean setDefault)
static double
AttributeHelper. getPositionZ(Node node, double defaultReturn, boolean setDefault)
static double
AttributeHelper. getRoundedEdges(Node node)
static String
AttributeHelper. getShape(Node node)
static Vector2d
AttributeHelper. getSize(Node myNode)
Gets the size of the Node.static Vector3d
AttributeHelper. getSize3D(Node myNode, double defaultDepth, boolean setDefault)
static Dimension
AttributeHelper. getSizeD(Node myNode)
Gets the size of the Node.static double
AttributeHelper. getWidth(Node myNode)
static boolean
AttributeHelper. isLabelAlignmentKnownConstant(int index, Node node)
static void
AttributeHelper. setBorderWidth(Node node, double frameThickness)
static void
AttributeHelper. setDefaultGraphicsAttribute(Node node, double x, double y)
static void
AttributeHelper. setDefaultGraphicsAttribute(Node newNode, Point2D position)
static void
AttributeHelper. setDepth(Node node, double depth)
static void
AttributeHelper. setHeight(Node myNode, double height)
static void
AttributeHelper. setHidden(boolean doHide, Node n, boolean processOutEdges, boolean processInEdges, boolean processUndirEdges)
static void
AttributeHelper. setLabel(Node node, String label)
Sets the Label of a Node.static void
AttributeHelper. setLabel(Node node, String label, String fontName, String alignment)
Sets the label of a node.static void
AttributeHelper. setLabelAlignment(int index, Node node, AlignmentSetting align)
static void
AttributeHelper. setLabelFrameStyle(int index, Node n, LabelFrameSetting setting)
static void
AttributeHelper. setLabelPosition(Node node, String pos)
static void
AttributeHelper. setPosition(Node n, double x, double y)
Sets the position of a nodestatic void
AttributeHelper. setPosition(Node n, Point2D p)
Sets the position of a nodestatic void
AttributeHelper. setPosition(Node node, Vector2d position)
static void
AttributeHelper. setPosition3d(Node n, double x, double y, double z)
static void
AttributeHelper. setPositionZ(Node node, double z)
static void
AttributeHelper. setRoundedEdges(Node node, double rounding)
static void
AttributeHelper. setShape(Node node, String knownShapeClassName)
static void
AttributeHelper. setShapeEllipse(Node node)
static void
AttributeHelper. setShapeRectangle(Node node)
static void
AttributeHelper. setSize(Node myNode, double width, double height)
Sets the size of the Node.static void
AttributeHelper. setSize(Node myNode, int width, int height)
Sets the size of the Node.static void
AttributeHelper. setSize(Node myNode, Vector2d newSize)
Sets the size of the Node.static void
AttributeHelper. setWidth(Node myNode, double width)
Method parameters in org with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static void
AttributeHelper. setVisibilityOfChildElements(Collection<Node> nodes, boolean doHide)
static void
AttributeHelper. switchVisibilityOfChildElements(Collection<Node> nodes)
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.event
Methods in org.graffiti.event that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
GraphEvent. getNode()
Returns the node that is concerned with that event, e.g.: the node that has been / is to be removed.Node
NodeEvent. getNode()
Returns the node that has been changed by this event.Node
GraphEvent. getSecondNode()
Returns the node that is concerned with that event, e.g.: the node that has been / is to be removed.Constructors in org.graffiti.event with parameters of type Node Constructor Description GraphEvent(Node node)
Constructs a graph event object with the specified source component.GraphEvent(Node node, Node secondNode)
Constructs a graph event object with the graph of the first node as source and saves the two given nodes.NodeEvent(Node node, Edge edge)
Constructs a graph event object with the specified source components. -
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.graph
Classes in org.graffiti.graph that implement Node Modifier and Type Class Description class
Abstract classAbstractNode
common functionality forNode
Implements a graph node with adjacency list representation.Methods in org.graffiti.graph that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
AbstractGraph. addNode()
Adds a new node to the graph.Node
AbstractGraph. addNode(CollectionAttribute col)
Adds a new node to the graph.Node
Graph. addNode()
Adds a newNode
to theGraph
Graph. addNode(CollectionAttribute col)
Adds a new node to the graph.Node
AbstractGraph. addNodeCopy(Node node)
Adds a copy of the specified node to the graph and returns the copy.Node
Graph. addNodeCopy(Node node)
Adds a copy of the specifiedNode
to theGraph
AdjListEdge. getSource()
Returns the source of theEdge
Edge. getSource()
Returns the source of the currentEdge
AdjListEdge. getTarget()
Returns the target of theEdge
Edge. getTarget()
Returns the target of the currentEdge
.Methods in org.graffiti.graph that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description List<Node>
NodeHierarchy. getAllChildNodes(List<Node> n)
NodeHierarchy. getAllChildNodes(Node n)
AbstractNode. getAllInNeighbors()
Node. getAllInNeighbors()
Union ofgetInNeighbors()
AbstractNode. getAllOutNeighbors()
Node. getAllOutNeighbors()
Union ofgetOutNeighbors()
NodeHierarchy. getAllParentNodes(List<Node> n)
NodeHierarchy. getAllParentNodes(Node n)
NodeHierarchy. getDirectChildNodes(List<Node> n)
NodeHierarchy. getDirectChildNodes(Node n)
NodeHierarchy. getDirectParentNodes(List<Node> n)
NodeHierarchy. getDirectParentNodes(Node n)
AbstractNode. getInNeighbors()
Returns a collection containing the neighbor nodes belonging to incoming edges.Set<Node>
Node. getInNeighbors()
Returns a collection containing the neighbor nodes belonging to incoming edges.Iterator<Node>
AbstractNode. getInNeighborsIterator()
Returns an iterator over the neighbor nodes belonging to incoming edges.Iterator<Node>
Node. getInNeighborsIterator()
Returns an iterator over the neighbor nodes belonging to incoming edges.Set<Node>
AbstractNode. getNeighbors()
Returns a collection containing all the neighbor nodes of the currentNode
Node. getNeighbors()
Returns a collection containing all the neighbor nodes of the currentNode
AbstractNode. getNeighborsIterator()
Returns an interator over the neighbor nodes of the currentNode
Node. getNeighborsIterator()
Returns an interator over the neighbor nodes of the currentNode
AdjListGraph. getNodes()
Graph. getNodes()
Returns ajava.util.List
containing all the nodes of theGraph
OptAdjListGraph. getNodes()
Returns a list containing a copy of the node list of the graph.Iterator<Node>
AdjListGraph. getNodesIterator()
Returns an iterator over the nodes of the graph.Iterator<Node>
Graph. getNodesIterator()
Returns an iterator over the nodes of theGraph
OptAdjListGraph. getNodesIterator()
Returns an iterator over the nodes of the graph.Set<Node>
AbstractNode. getOutNeighbors()
Returns a collection containing all the neighbors of the currentNode
which are connected by an outgoingEdge
Node. getOutNeighbors()
Returns a collection containing all the neighbors of the currentNode
which are connected by an outgoingEdge
AbstractNode. getOutNeighborsIterator()
Returns an iterator containing all the neighbors of the currentNode
which are connected by an outgoingEdge
Node. getOutNeighborsIterator()
Returns an iterator containing all the neighbors of the currentNode
which are connected by an outgoingEdge
AbstractNode. getUndirectedNeighbors()
Returns a collection containing all the neighbors which are connected to the currentNode
by an undirectedEdge
Node. getUndirectedNeighbors()
Returns a collection containing all the neighbors which are connected to the currentNode
by an undirectedEdge
AbstractNode. getUndirectedNeighborsIterator()
Node. getUndirectedNeighborsIterator()
Methods in org.graffiti.graph with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description Edge
AbstractGraph. addEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed)
Adds a new edge to the current graph.Edge
AbstractGraph. addEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed, CollectionAttribute col)
Adds a new edge to the current graph.Edge
Graph. addEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed)
Adds a newEdge
to the currentGraph
Graph. addEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed, CollectionAttribute col)
Adds a newEdge
to the currentGraph
AbstractGraph. addEdgeCopy(Edge edge, Node source, Node target)
Adds a copy of the specified edge to the graph as a new edge between the specified source and target node.Edge
Graph. addEdgeCopy(Edge edge, Node source, Node target)
Adds a copy of the specifiedEdge
to theGraph
as a newEdge
between the specified source and targetNode
AbstractGraph. addNodeCopy(Node node)
Adds a copy of the specified node to the graph and returns the copy.Node
Graph. addNodeCopy(Node node)
Adds a copy of the specifiedNode
to theGraph
AbstractGraph. areConnected(Node n1, Node n2)
, if the graph contains an edge between the nodes n1 and n2,false
AbstractGraph. containsNode(Node n)
, if the graph contains the specified node,false
Graph. containsNode(Node n)
, if theGraph
contains the specifiedNode
OptAdjListGraph. containsNode(Node n)
, if the graph contains the specified node,false
AbstractGraph. deleteNode(Node n)
Deletes the given node.void
Graph. deleteNode(Node n)
Deletes theNode
AdjListEdge. doSetTarget(Node target)
Sets the target of the currentEdge
to target.List<Node>
NodeHierarchy. getAllChildNodes(Node n)
NodeHierarchy. getAllParentNodes(Node n)
NodeHierarchy. getDirectChildNodes(Node n)
NodeHierarchy. getDirectParentNodes(Node n)
AbstractGraph. getEdges(Node n1, Node n2)
Returns a collection containing all the edges between n1 and n2.Collection<Edge>
AdjListGraph. getEdges(Node n1, Node n2)
Graph. getEdges(Node n1, Node n2)
Returns a collection containing all the edges between n1 and n2.void
AdjListGraph. setNodeFirst(Node node)
The given node is moved to the front of the node list.void
AdjListGraph. setNodeLast(Node node)
The given node is moved to the end of the node list.void
AbstractEdge. setSource(Node source)
Sets the source of the currentEdge
Edge. setSource(Node source)
Sets the source of the currentEdge
to source.void
AbstractEdge. setTarget(Node target)
Sets the target of the currentEdge
to target.void
Edge. setTarget(Node target)
Sets the target of the currentEdge
to target.Method parameters in org.graffiti.graph with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description List<Node>
NodeHierarchy. getAllChildNodes(List<Node> n)
NodeHierarchy. getAllParentNodes(List<Node> n)
NodeHierarchy. getDirectChildNodes(List<Node> n)
NodeHierarchy. getDirectParentNodes(List<Node> n)
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.plugin.algorithm
Methods in org.graffiti.plugin.algorithm with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractThreadSaveLayoutAlgorithm. storeOrSetNodePosition(boolean setAllNodePositions, int index, Node n, double x, double y)
Stores a node position (from the layout thread) or sets the node position of a node to a stored position (from the FrameMain thread).Method parameters in org.graffiti.plugin.algorithm with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description JMenuItem[]
ProvidesNodeContextMenu. getCurrentNodeContextMenuItem(Collection<Node> selectedNodes)
This method should be implemented, as that it returns the desired Context-MenuItem for the Plugin. -
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.plugin.parameter
Methods in org.graffiti.plugin.parameter that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
NodeParameter. getNode()
Returns theNode
contained in thisNodeParameter
NodeParameter. getPossibleNodes()
Constructors in org.graffiti.plugin.parameter with parameters of type Node Constructor Description NodeParameter(Graph graph, Node initalNode, String name, String description)
Constructs a new node parameter. -
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.plugins.attributecomponents.simplelabel
Methods in org.graffiti.plugins.attributecomponents.simplelabel with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static String
LabelComponent. getBestAutoOutsideSetting(Node n)
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.plugins.modes.defaults
Methods in org.graffiti.plugins.modes.defaults with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
MegaCreateTool. isTemporaryNode(Node n)
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.selection
Methods in org.graffiti.selection that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<Node>
Selection. getNodes()
Returns the list of selected nodes.Methods in org.graffiti.selection with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
Selection. add(Node node)
Adds the given node to the list of selected nodes. -
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.undo
Constructors in org.graffiti.undo with parameters of type Node Constructor Description AddNodeEdit(Node node, Graph graph, Map<GraphElement,GraphElement> geMap)
Constructor for AddNodeEdit. -
Uses of Node in org.graffiti.util
Methods in org.graffiti.util with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
GeneralUtils. existsEdge(Node n1, Node n2)
True iff any edge betweenn1
(source) andn2
(target) exists.static Collection<Edge>
GeneralUtils. getEdges(Node n1, Node n2)
Returns aCollection
of edges betweenn1
(source) andn2
(target). -
Uses of Node in org.vanted.indexednodes
Methods in org.vanted.indexednodes that return Node Modifier and Type Method Description Node
IndexedNodeSet. get(int index)
Methods in org.vanted.indexednodes with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description void
IndexedNodeSet. add(Node node)
Adds a node from the basis collection passed on construction to this set.static org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector
IndexedGraphOperations. calcDistances(Node from, IndexedNodeSet inSet)
Calculates the distance vector from the specified node to all other nodes in the given org.vanted.indexednodes.IndexedNodeSet.boolean
IndexedNodeSet. contains(Node node)
Adds a node from the super set passed on construction to this
IndexedNodeSet. getIndex(Node node)
Returns the index in this set, based on the indexing of the based collection.IndexedNodeSet
IndexedNodeSet. getInducedNeighboursOf(Node of)
Returns a org.vanted.addons.indexednodes.IndexedNodeSet containing all neighbors of the node specified node that are also contained in this set.boolean
IndexedNodeSet. isContainedBasisCollectionAndSet(Node node)
Returns true if node is contained in this sets basis collection as well as in this set itself.void
IndexedNodeSet. remove(Node node)
Removes a node from the basis collection passed on construction from this set.Method parameters in org.vanted.indexednodes with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static IndexedNodeSet
IndexedNodeSet. emptySetOf(Collection<Node> allNodes)
Constructs an empty set with the given node collection as basic collection.static IndexedNodeSet
IndexedNodeSet. setOfAllIn(Collection<Node> allNodes)
Constructs an set with the given node collection as basic collection, containing all nodes from the basis collection. -
Uses of Node in org.vanted.plugins.layout.adaptagrams.edgerouting
Methods in org.vanted.plugins.layout.adaptagrams.edgerouting with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description static org.adaptagrams.ShapeRef
AdaptagramsRouting. defineShapeRef(org.adaptagrams.Router router, View view, Node node)
Defines a ShapeRef for a node.static void
AdaptagramsRouting. fixSourceBendPoints(ArrayList<Vector2d> edgeBends, View view, Node node)
Fixes the edge bend points at the source node.static void
AdaptagramsRouting. fixTargetBendPoints(ArrayList<Vector2d> edgeBends, View view, Node node)
Fixes the edge bend points at the target node. -
Uses of Node in org.vanted.plugins.layout.multilevelframework
Classes in org.vanted.plugins.layout.multilevelframework that implement Node Modifier and Type Class Description class
implementation that represents several nodes in a coarsening level withinMultilevelGraph
.Methods in org.vanted.plugins.layout.multilevelframework that return types with arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<? extends Node>
MergedNode. getInnerNodes()
Methods in org.vanted.plugins.layout.multilevelframework with parameters of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description Edge
MultilevelGraph. addEdge(Node source, Node target)
Adds an undirectedAdjListEdge
to the topmost level (i.e.void
MergedNode. addInnerNode(Node node)
Deprecated.Method parameters in org.vanted.plugins.layout.multilevelframework with type arguments of type Node Modifier and Type Method Description MergedNode
MultilevelGraph. addNode(Set<Node> representedNodes)
Add a newMergedNode
to the topmost coarsening level (i.e.static List<? extends CoarsenedGraph>
MlfHelper. calculateConnectedComponentsOfSelection(Set<Node> selection)
Calculate the subgraph induced by the selection and split it up into its connected components.Constructor parameters in org.vanted.plugins.layout.multilevelframework with type arguments of type Node Constructor Description MergedNode(Graph g, Set<Node> nodes)
Create a newMergedNode
. -
Uses of Node in org.vanted.plugins.layout.stressminimization